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Good Girl (Alphahole Roommates 2)

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But as far as I can see, my mother is doing okay with him. She’s off the booze and trying to be a better mother and grandmother now that she’s not spending all her time focusing on punishing my father and battling with Aiden.

The second thing I spot is Meryl after a frizzle of static shoots up my spine. She’s obviously arrived late as this is the first I’ve clapped eyes on her, and though our party is small, only forty or so people, she managed to escape my attention until now because she’s sitting in the very back, behind a row of Carly’s relatives who flew in with her parents from Buffalo.

Meryl looks good, which doesn’t make me any happier. She’s wearing a pink dress, pink low-heeled sandals and her long, dark hair is up in a twist. She has on more makeup than she usually wears, and I’m not sure it’s an improvement as she has that natural beauty that doesn’t need makeup. Her hands are in her lap, toying nervously with a handkerchief and she’s watching me. My eyes immediately move to her left hand. No ring on that finger. And then my eyes land on her face and stop there.

Her expression? She’s looking like her dog died. Sad? Fear mingled with what… remorse? I don’t know, but I fail at hiding my reaction before I turn away and scoop Ally Kingston into my arms and carry her into the water, too.

Ally squeals in delight when we both wind up underwater. When we come up, she cackles with glee and then splashes me. I splash back and then dive under and come up under Ally, getting her on my shoulders.

This reaction has a chain reaction and more of the wedding party wind up in the Caribbean Sea. Someone from the beach tosses over a beach ball after a wolf-whistle request from Adele. Carly gets on Aiden’s shoulders. It breaks into a game of water dodgeball that doesn’t last long because suddenly Ally shouts Carly’s name and Carly dives off Aiden’s shoulders into the water.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize it has something to do with Carly’s white wedding gown being wet. Now she’s in the water up to her neck, blushing and covering her chest.


We’re on the decking again and an attendant has brought out towels for our mostly soaked wedding party.

The mood is great, from most everyone else and I feel like I’m doing a decent job of hiding how I feel about Meryl being here.

I say nothing and don’t make eye contact as I hear Meryl talking to the girls. She’s hugging the soggy bride and explaining that her flight was delayed. Her voice is shaky, like she’s been made to do a presentation in front of a stadium of people and I know it’s because I’m here.

Ally breaks the ice in her Ally way.

“So, let’s get some drinks and toast the bride and groom. Austin, say hi to Mer, will ya? Put the poor girl out of her misery.”

I give Ally a cutting look before I say, “Hey.”

Everything goes quiet. We’re not a big group but clearly everyone else in the group is picking up on something, thanks to Ally.

“Hi Austin,” Meryl whispers.

“Don’t you work for me?” my father, moving closer to her, asks.

“I – I was with the Manila office and I spent some time at your head office a few months back.”

“You’re the one who took off with no notice, right?” Dad asks, looking like he’s searching the memory banks.

“Dad!” Adele snaps.

Meryl squares her shoulders. “I am so sorry about that, Mr. C. There were circumstances beyond my control and –”

“It’s fine, Meryl,” Aiden says. “Dad, not the time. Meryl’s a guest at mine and Carly’s wedding. I want everyone to make her feel welcome.” Aiden doesn’t look at me, but I know that’s aimed at me, too, probably so it doesn’t upset Carly.

My father’s eyes bounce between Aiden and me. And then he gives me a quizzical look for a beat before a server comes over with a tray of glasses of champagne.

“Before my bride and I head to our room to consummate our marriage-” Aiden starts.

“You mean… get out of these wet clothes,” Carly corrects.

“That too,” Aiden winks at her.

“To change and come back,” she says quickly, giving him a look of murder as color climbs up her cheeks.

Carly’s father scowls. “Give me some proper hooch, please there, dude.”

The server nods and hurries off.

Aiden laughs and slaps his back good-naturedly. “I can legally see her naked now, Pops. Don’t sweat it.”

“Call me Pops again, and you’re getting a knuckle sandwich.”

Carly’s mother laughs while her father continues to stare at my brother without blinking. The guy looks like he wants to murder him.

“You can call us Mom and Dad if you like,” Charlene Adler corrects, giving her husband a scowl before her smile returns. “Or by our first names. Whatever makes you most comfortable, Aiden. And, Darryl, be nice.”

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