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Good Girl (Alphahole Roommates 2)

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“I don’t know what to say,” I whisper.

“Don’t say anything. Just know that I’m here for you. Anything I can do, let me know.”

“I don’t deserve this.”

“No, you don’t. But family craps on us sometimes because they know we’ll forgive them and-”

“No, sorry to interrupt Carly, but I mean I don’t deserve your help. I stayed here without permission. It’s my fault that Aiden’s card got taken, and… and you hardly even know me.”

“You’re just having a rough spell. I know what that’s like, believe me. Anyway, we have to go – our shuttle is here. Aiden and I have a day with dolphins planned, and –”

“I’m so sorry your honeymoon got interrupted by my… my shit.”

“Stop apologizing. I feel bad that I’m here getting to swim with dolphins and you’re over there feeling like everything is being flushed down the toilet. Believe me, I know what that’s like. My job offer to move to San Diego came at the absolute best moment, when my life felt like it was in the crapper, too, Jada and – and I’m happy to help a little, to give you a breather like I got. I’m paying that forward to someone I feel deserves it. Okay? Take what I’m offering. It’s just an advance on whatever job you end up doing. You can pay me back later. Or not – maybe next time Aiden and I are in town you can just barter it back in doing what you used to do – though, I hate even saying that because I feel like we’re friends and friends help friends, right?”

“Right,” I whisper.

It feels nice to have a friend, but I feel like I don’t deserve one. It’s been a long time since I’ve had anybody. What do I have to offer back to the friendship other than all my excess baggage?

“Anyway, when we get back, we’ll plan a trip there soon. You and me can go get mani-pedis and then get drunk together. By then, maybe things will be looking up for you.”

I’m sobbing now. Austin is nowhere near, I have no idea when he exited the area, but I’m relieved no one is seeing me like this, especially not someone who hates me.

“It’s gonna be okay, Jada,” Carly says.

I don’t know if it is. God, I hope it will be.

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you isn’t enough, though.”

“I’ll text you the name and number of the cop Aiden talked to so you can find out what’s happening with your brother, but Jada, please don’t feel tempted to get him out of there. If you’re anything like me, you’d try to sell your own blood to get your sibling out of a jam until it gets to a breaking point but believe me, I know what I’m talking about here - at some stage they have to help themselves. ”

“I think I’m at that breaking point,” I choke out. “He’s really gone off the deep end, Carly. This isn’t him. I mean, it wasn’t, but things have escalated. I think he started using drugs to take the edge off the mental health issues and that just sent him spiraling. And the guys that were just here to get that giant spider said things… I think he was selling drugs to fund his habit. And there I was, working multiple jobs to keep us afloat while he did nothing. No-th-thing.” I’m sobbing again. Ugly-crying.

How could Shane do that to me?

“I get it. My sister Caitlin is only doing better now because we all finally cut her off and she sank to lows I know Cait would never have sunk to if she was in her right mind. Those were the actions of the drug-addict Cait, not my sister Cait. You know? And it got bad before it got better. Really bad. She got hit by a car and almost died and now she’s doing time. And her nonsense got so bad my father had a heart attack due to the stress. She’s had to face everything she did, and the consequences of that, of nearly killing Dad, of nearly dying. And if she weren’t incarcerated like she is right now, she probably wouldn’t have gotten clean. She might be dead by now. She’s lucky she’s not dead. Jail probably saved her.”

In jail, maybe they’d get Shane some counseling. Maybe he’d get his medication that he needs and can’t afford. Maybe he’d only do time for a little while. How bad was it to steal a credit card? The drugs? Punching a cop? Would he be in there for long? So many thoughts flood my brain.

I hear Aiden’s muffled voice in the background.

“Gotta go; the shuttle is here. I’ll check my messages tonight in case you have any news or need anything.”

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