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Good Girl (Alphahole Roommates 2)

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“Oh shush up,” she grumbles.

“Just sayin’,” Aiden raises his hands.

“Let’s go to my place and get drunk,” Adele suggests.

“I would, but I’m exhausted,” I say.

“I’m pooped, too,” Carly says.

“Yeah, I guess I am too,” Adele mutters. “Long day. And you’re three hours ahead of us, Auz.”


“We’ll get drunk tomorrow,” Adele amends.

We say goodbye to Aiden and Carly, then Adele drives me home, telling me to come by her place for coffee and breakfast in the morning since my fridge is empty. I know Adele and Dirk’s door code to get in, so I have every intention of doing that, even though I’ll be up hours before they are.

Getting into my place, my house feels massive to me. I bought it wanting to live close to my new nephew and liking their neighborhood for eventually raising a family in. It feels too big right now with just me here.

It’s got four bedrooms, a finished basement, a backyard with a pool. I bought the model home furnished, figuring that when I got into a relationship serious enough to invite a woman to move in that she could then put her personality stamp on the place.

I get to my bedroom and pull my phone out of my pocket so I can plug it in.

I open up Jada’s text string and send a message to her.

It’s late so I didn’t call because I didn’t want to wake you, but wanted you to know Dad made it through surgery fine. I just got back to my place so I’m gonna crash. I’ll message you later.

Not five minutes later, I’m ready to climb into my bed when I hear the text alert.

Jada: I’m so glad he’s okay. Thanks for letting me know. Thinking good thoughts for a fast recovery.

Me: Thanks. Me, too. Goodnight Miss Sweetheart.

Jada: Goodnight Mr. Groucho. Sweet dreams.

Me: Save the bathtub washing and window cleaning until I get back.

Jada: Yes sir.

I smile.

And then I’m thinking about what a crazy day it’s been.

I think I’m gonna pass out as soon as my head hits my pillow, but I lay there for a good few minutes before my eyes finally close and I do it thinking about how good Jada Miller tasted, how good she felt, and how much I’m looking forward to fucking her.


Saturday morning, I call the doctor in St. Kitts and ask him if his bloodwork included testing for sexually transmitted diseases. He calls back a half an hour later and tells me yes, it’s standard when they get a request like mine. He says my tests were clean.

I’m relieved. I don’t know where Sienna Greer has been.

I use my own car and have breakfast at Adele and Dirks before I take her to visit Dad. He’s already less groggy.

Alice is there with him and he announces she’s moving in with him. She says she’s going to make sure he’s taking better care of himself. She’s in her mid-50s and is a fit woman that takes great care of herself, so this has the Carmichael kids’ seal of approval.

We have no problem with having Alice Roberts move into our childhood home. Though, I’m sure Audra is going to take issue with it, for sure.

When Adele and I leave the hospital, she gets a text and informs me that we’re expected at Carly and Aiden’s place for dinner.

My mother didn’t show at the hospital and hasn’t called, and this does not disappoint me.

My sister and I split up for the rest of the afternoon and I go to my gym and work out. The workout kicks my ass after spending the past few weeks at a desk and eating like a king.

Dirk comes over with Adele to pick me up, telling me they got Dirk’s parents as an overnight sitter. Dirk drives us so that Adele and I can have some drinks.


Aiden’s telling a story about Carly flipping her lid over a spider in their beach house when I find myself telling the story of Gramma the Brazilian spider. It’s then that I get a text alert.

I finish the story, looking down at my phone. “This is her, actually.”

Jada: How’s your dad doing today?

I smile and reply to her text.

Me: A lot better. He’s gonna have to make more lifestyle changes, but he’s doing well. Thanks for asking. Were your ears ringing? I was just talking about you.

Jada: Glad he’s doing well! What were you saying about me?

Me: I was telling them the story of Gramma the spider.

Jada: Oh God. I’m having PTSD over here.

I laugh and type out the word spider and it switches to an emoji. I send it.

I see her typing.

“Hey Auz?” I hear my sister ask.

“Hm?” I look up and immediately realize the room has gone quiet and all eyes are on me.

“What?” I ask.

“Something funny?” Adele prods.

“Oh, I’m just messaging with Jada.”

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