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And Then There Was Us (And The There Was 2)

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“Korrie,” he said in a relieved voice, his muscles so tight against my softer curves.

“I’m sorry I left,” I said again, feeling like a bitch for not trusting and accepting him enough to be honest and let him be there for me. And I know he would have been there for me. I know that so, so hard.

“Shhh,” he whispered, moving his hand down to cup my nape, keeping me close, not letting me go. “I just want to hold you. I want you to know I’m here for you. That’s why I came.”

I closed my eyes and smiled even though he couldn’t see me. “But how did you know I was here?” It didn’t matter, not really, not now that he held me and I realized this was what I needed, that I hadn’t felt right or good or even stable until this moment.

“I went to your house to talk to you, to be that possessive asshole who’d tell you that you’re mine and I won’t let you go.” He exhaled, still not letting up on holding me. And that was fine by me. “And before you ask, I knew your apartment number because of the last name on the buzzer. And someone was leaving, so I easily got in.” He growled the last part out. “Which I don’t like, Korrie. That’s not safe, and knowing any bastard could walk right in…” He trailed off, his body tensing even more before I could practically feel him trying to rein in his control. “I’m getting off topic here.” I smiled again. “Anyway, there was a woman leaving her apartment, your neighbor. She said her name was Sharon and got a real protective attitude toward me when I started asking about you—which I appreciated.”

“That’s Sharon for ya. She’s like the floor mother.”

He smoothed his other hand up and down my back. “I think she took pity on me, because when I started saying I was your boss and a bunch of other ramblings she probably didn’t care about, I told her I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I asked that if she wouldn't tell me where you were or how to contact you, then could she get ahold of you and let you know I’d been trying to reach you.” He kissed the top of my head. “I probably looked like a maniac, all panicked and worried as fuck. She wouldn’t tell me anything but that I should go to St. Anthony’s.” He pulled back and cupped my face, staring into my eyes. “So here I am. Went to the reception desk, praying when I said your name that you wouldn’t have been admitted. Never felt such fucking relief when they said there wasn’t a patient with that name.” He closed his eyes for a second and swallowed, his throat working. “Then I remembered you said your father was sick, but I didn't know his name, so here I am.” He gave me a small, tight-lipped smile. “Freaking you out yet?”

I felt my lips curl as I shook my head slowly. “No,” I whispered. “Not at all.”

It’s what I want to hear from you.

“Korrie,” he said low, his eyes briefly closing before snapping open and having this intense look of determination in them. “I love you.”

My own eyes widened at his words.

“I know it’s fast and probably fucking insane, but I love you, and I can’t let you go. And I know you can’t possibly feel for me what I feel for you, but that’s okay.” He smoothed his thumbs over my cheeks. “Because I have my entire life to make you fall in love with me. And when it comes to you, I’ll do anything to make you mine.”



I probably freaked her the fuck out, but I hadn’t been able to hold in the words. I hadn’t been able to not tell Korrie I was in love with her.

“Just tell me what you want, Korrie. Tell me, because I’ll move heaven and earth to give it to you if it means I can be with you.” I didn’t even give a shit if I looked pathetic, begging, needing her in my life like I needed air in my lungs. But I kept my voice level, sure as hell hoped I looked like I wasn't a damn mess inside at the very idea of losing the only woman who would ever have my heart.

Keep your shit together. You’ll scare her, push her away. You’ll be too pushy when it’s clear she’s going through a hard time. Just be there for her.

I exhaled slowly, seeing her staring up at me, this look on her face breaking my heart. “I’m sorry,” I said, keeping my voice soft. “This isn’t fair to you, especially as we stand here in the hospital waiting room. I’m an asshole for coming here, for putting you on the spot. You deserve better than that.” I reluctantly let go of her face and ran a hand over the back of my neck, looking around, feeling shame. “I just want to be there for you, Korrie, and I’m not going anywhere.” I looked at her then, her big brown eyes filled with so much emotion. “If you want me to go, I’m gone. If you want me to stay”—please want me to stay—“I’m here for whatever you need. A friend. A shoulder to cry on. A ride home… anything.”

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