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Wake My Heart (Jasper Falls 1)

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“Oh, God, please tell me you didn’t go hunting.”

“Luckily, I don’t keep any guns up there. Turns out it wasn’t a raccoon but a cute little brunette. Now, how do you think she got up there?”

“Kelly, please tell me you didn’t yell at her.”

He scowled. “I’d never yell at a beautiful woman. Besides, I remembered her from the other week when she was in here whooping your ass at darts.”

“Actually, I beat her.”

Kelly chuckled. “Try again. That girl let you win, whether she realizes it or not. I saw you two sneak up here after the match.”

Ryan’s mouth sealed shut. “Is she still up there?”

A negligent shrug. “Let me give you a little advice, Ry. Girls aren’t born tough, the world makes them that way. The more rough and tumble they appear, the more fragile they actually are. If you get a girl like that out of her armor and get her to actually show you her vulnerable side, you owe it to her to take care of her the way she deserves.”

If those words came from anyone else, he’d gag over the sheer arrogance. But Kelly was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for, and he knew women. But most of all, he knew Ryan. More than anyone else, Kelly had watched him for years at the bar, botching one date after another. They’d had many late night discussions about why he couldn’t seem to make it work with anyone.

“She’s different from the others.”

“I can tell.” He stepped away from the door. “I told her she could hang out as long as she wanted. I’m not sure if she stayed.”

Ryan’s hand touched the knob, and he met his cousin’s gaze. “Will you tell everyone I said thank you?”

He slapped a hand on his back. “I’ll take care of it.”

Chapter 19

Something touched Maggie’s cheek and she drew in a breath, but the air didn’t smell like home. The faint trace of paint thinner and dust had her opening her eyes.

“You look like sleeping beauty.”

She blinked awake. Maybe it wasn’t paint thinner as much as it was the scent of whiskey. Ryan’s smile filled her view as he leaned over her, his grin lopsided as he stared at her with red rabbit eyes.

“Your breath smells flammable.”

Ryan laughed and ducked his head to the cushion of the love seat where she’d fallen asleep. “Sorry. And I’m sorry I lost track of time. Again. Today was not really my day.”

She smiled and touched the brim of his glittering hat. “It’s fine. Did you have fun at your party?” It sounded like it was still going.

“They totally surprised me. And everyone got me things for the house. I’m … overwhelmed.”

A pang of envy dove into her belly. “You have a great family that loves you very much.”

He nodded. “I don’t always appreciate how lucky I am. Tonight was a good reminder, not because of the gifts, but because they were all here, together, for me. I really needed that, but I didn’t know I needed it.”

She’d never met a man who could express his emotions so openly and honestly. Her hand cupped the side of his beard. “Then I’m glad they surprised you. Good surprises are the best.”

He studied her face for a silent moment. “Did Kelly scare the shit out of you?”

She laughed. “Let’s just say we scared the hell out of each other.”

“Forgive me?”

She nodded. “I don’t have a birthday present for you.”

He’d think it was because she only found out it was his birthday last minute, but the truth was she couldn’t think of anything good enough for him. She wanted to get him something special, something he’d touch every day and appreciate, and when he held it, he’d think of her.

“I don’t need a present.”

“Well, I still wanted to give you something.” She hesitated, hoping he didn’t find her words corny. “I want to tell you something, Ryan.”

“Okay.” He kneeled on the floor, his eyes level with hers as she rested her head on the cushion of the love seat.

She drew in a slow breath. “Every day I wake up afraid that something terrible will happen. That fear has made a shell around me, and every year it gets thicker and harder to penetrate. I use it to keep people away. I’ve pushed all my old friends away. I even pushed my family away. But since you moved in, something’s changed. When I wake up in the morning, my first thought isn’t what terrible thing will happen today.” A shy smile trembled to her lips. “My first thought is … I hope I see you.”

He sat back on his feet, making a ridiculous picture with that purple hat and green feather boa around his neck. “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

She sat up and pushed her hair behind her shoulder. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to say thank you for making my life a little brighter. It’s been dark for a really long time.”

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