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10th Anniversary (Women's Murder Club 10)

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“Oh yes. He was a hound. A goat. A snake. A shark. A skunk. Pick your animal, and that was Dennis.”

“And where were you when Dennis was killed?”

“Sydney, Australia. As far away from him as I could get.”

“Ms. Walker. Did you call the Martin house while you were in Sydney?”

“I hate to admit it, but I called Candace. Might have set this whole debacle into motion.”

“Really. Could you be more specific?”

“I was heartbroken. I wanted to get back at Dennis, so I called Candace and told her about my two-year affair with her husband. And I told her that he was still seeing someone.”

“Did you know who Dennis was seeing?”

“Nope. Didn’t have a clue.”

“And how did Candace Martin react to your phone call?”

“She was really cold. She said, ‘You’re right. He’s an animal. Someone ought to put him down. I might do it myself.’”

“Thank you. Your witness,” Yuki said, walking away.

Chapter 51

PHIL HOFFMAN STOOD UP behind the defense table. He looked well rested and at the top of his game, a study in gray pinstripes and old school tie.

Yuki took note of the way the jurors looked at Phil. They liked him.

“Ms. Walker, you don’t like Candace Martin, do you?” Hoffman asked.

“I don’t dislike her. Like I said, I’ve never met her.”

“Well, you clearly had no regard for her. You were sleeping with her husband for two years, knowing full well that he had a home, two young children, and a wife. Isn’t that right?”

“Your Honor, counsel is leading the witness.”

“Sustained. Don’t do that, Mr. Hoffman.”

“Sorry, Your Honor.”

Hoffman jingled the coins in his pocket, turned back to the witness, and asked, “Do you have any regard for the defendant?”

“Not really.” The woman squirmed in her seat. Patted her hair.

“In fact,” said Hoffman, “you don’t care if Candace lives or dies. Excuse me. Let me make that a question. Ms. Walker, do you care if Candace Martin lives or dies?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Would it be fair to say about you that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?”

“Your Honor!” Yuki said.

Hoffman smiled and said, “I have nothing further for this witness.”

Chapter 52

YUKI WAS AT the bar in MacBain’s when Cindy breezed in, looking like she’d sprouted wings. She was obviously that over-the-moon happy. Yuki hugged her friend and said, “I hope this high you’re on is contagious.”

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