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10th Anniversary (Women's Murder Club 10)

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“It’s pretty simple, really. Did Dennis Martin start a divorce action against his wife?”


“Did he take you out with his friends?”

“No. I wouldn’t have expected that.”

“Did you and he set a wedding date, for instance?”

“Dammit, no. He didn’t give me a time or a place. I was taking care of his children. I saw him every day. He told me that he loved me and that he despised her. I thought he was going to leave her because he said he would. And I believed that until the day he died.”

“Or — did he break off his relationship with you, Ms. Lafferty? Did he tell you to bug off? Did he treat you like just another one of his used-up girlfriends and tell you that he was staying with his wife? Is that why you were angry with him?”

“No. We were together and in love.”

“The bastard lied to you, didn’t he?”


“Were you mad enough at him to shoot him, Ms. Lafferty? Was this a crime of passion?”

Yuki said, “Your Honor, counsel is badgering the witness to death.”

“Sustained. The jury will disregard the defense’s last run-on question. Mr. Hoffman, that’s twice. Do you have anything further for this witness? Or do you want to be sworn in so you can testify yourself?”

Ellen Lafferty gripped the edge of the witness box and said fervently, “I didn’t kill him, I didn’t. I am telling the truth. I would never have hurt Dennis. Never, never, never.”

“Just like you would never, never, never lie? Right, Ms. Lafferty?”

“That’s right. I would never lie.”

“Did Candace Martin have a gun in her hand when you left the house on the night of the murder?”

“I think so. I thought so. I don’t know anymore.”

“Right. But you would never, never, never lie. Thank you. I have no further questions.”

Chapter 67

A SHOCK OF ANGER blew all the dread and fear right out of Yuki. The defense had annihilated her damned witness, annihilated her and planted the seeds of reasonable doubt.

Yuki didn’t know if she could rehabilitate a would-be home wrecker and probable liar, but she knew that her entire case might depend on it.

Yuki barely saw Nicky’s note: “You go, girl.”

She got to her feet and walked to the witness box that wrapped around the witness. She put her hand on the arm of the box as if to communicate to Ellen that she was placing a comforting hand on her arm.

“Ms. Lafferty, did you kill Mr. Martin?”

“No. I did not.”

“Did the Martins fight?”

“All the time.”

/> “Did you see a gun in Candace Martin’s hand on the night of the murder?”

“I thought so. It was so long ago. And it happened so fast. I don’t know for sure anymore.”

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