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Double Cross (Alex Cross 13)

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The fast-moving car hopped the curb, then bounced forward into the street.

Then it stopped abruptly! A taxi’s tires squealed on the pavement. The cab had just missed nailing the coupe. Inches from total destruction. And capture!

By the time I was on my feet and running, the blue sports car had taken off again.

My badge was out, and I threw open the taxi driver’s door. “Police! I need your cab.”

All the cabbie saw was my gun, but I guess it was enough for him. He was out of his seat immediately, hands held in the air. “Take it!”

The taxi was a V-6. Good, I’d probably need all of that. I clicked off the radio and AC to funnel extra power.

“Alex? Where the hell are you?” Bree’s voice sounded in my ear, faint against the straining engine of the cab.

“In pursuit, I hope. West on O’Donnell,” I called out. “I’m chasing a dark-blue Miata. Maryland plates. One taillight out. I’m looking at it right now. Female driver—though she’s big enough to be a man. Strong enough too.”

“Maybe it’s a man in women’s clothes. He likes to play roles.”

“Yes, he does. But I think this really is a woman. We have to get her!”

The coupe shot past the ramp for I-95 and straight through another intersection. The driver was doing at least seventy—and accelerating.

“Bree, if you can hear me, we’re both going west on O’Donnell. You copy?”

“Okay, Alex. Still got you. We’re on it, on our way. What else do you need?”

“Shit!” I yelled. “Shit!”

“What?” Bree yelled back.

I swerved to miss a yellow VW Bug as it tried to squeak in a left turn. Idiot. “What I need is a siren. Or some backup,” I clarified for Bree.

“Medallion 5C742, what’s your location?” The taxi dispatch suddenly crackled at me. Another country heard from. “Come in. Do you hear me?”

“Alex, what’s happening now?” Bree asked. “Are you all right? Alex?”

The coupe barely slowed as it pulled around a UPS truck and straight into oncoming traffic. Cars swerved to the side as the coupe barreled at them. I gunned the cab and squeezed in behind.

“Maryland 451JZW,” I told Bree. “I’m fine. So far, anyway. Still in pursuit.”

I kept my foot down—and managed to nudge the Miata’s rear bumper. The sports car jerked but then surged forward again.

“Bree? Did you get that license number? Bree? Bree, where are you?”

There was no response from her. Maybe I’d gone out of range. The only things in my ear now were my own pulse and the taxi’s racing engine.

Chapter 69

I KNEW THAT the sports coupe could outrun me on a long straightaway, but that was the one advantage the driver didn’t have here. In fact, I could swear she was letting me get closer. Was that really happening? Was it a trap? Was that what this was about? Separating, then grabbing me? Was I the target? Kyle Craig would think up something like that. Was Kyle here? Was he involved?

Then I saw what was actually going on. With no warning or brake lights, the coupe shot left onto a narrow side street, shimmied twice, and kept moving like a Pocket Rocket.

I missed the intersection completely. No way I could have made the turn. Another came up fast, though, and I took it, hoping for a grid somewhere up ahead.

Tall apartment buildings rose on either side of me so that I couldn’t see over to the next block. Straight ahead, the road came to a T with another main artery. Boston Street, I thought. I knew that beyond Boston was the harbor. That cut off some options, anyway. Made this a little easier. I hoped.

I can get her—take her down. And that’ll be the biggest break yet in this case.

The coupe whizzed by as I approached the intersection, and I accelerated blindly around the corner. This could be it. One way or the other.

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