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Cross Country (Alex Cross 14)

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“Tell him that Alex Cross is back in Washington. They’ve taken my family. I think it’s the Tiger or his people who did this. I need to talk to him. Please make sure that he gets this message. It could be a matter of life or death.”

“Yes, sir,” said the assistant, “it always is.”

Chapter 130

SAMPSON, BREE, AND I stayed in the house another hour or so. We searched every room again, looking for anything to work with.

But I understood that the two of them were here to make sure I was all right, especially since I was showing a few cracks.

Finally I told John to go home to his family and get some sleep.

No one had called or tried to get a message to me.

“There are two squad cars outside,” Sampson said. “They’ll stay here the rest of the night. Don’t argue with me about it.”

“I know. I can see them.”

“That’s the idea, sugar. They’re supposed to be seen.”

“Make sure they’re on their toes,” Bree said. “I’ll be here too. Tell them I’ll be checking.”

Sampson hugged Bree, then did the same with me. There was no cop humor tonight, no making light of this. “Anything—you call,” he told me.

Then he started out the kitchen door. He stopped and turned back. “I’ll talk to the men outside. Maybe put on one more car.”

I didn’t bother to agree or disagree. I was in no shape to make decisions right now. “Thank you.”

“We’ll be fine,” Bree said.

“I have no doubt,” Sampson said and nodded. “Call me if anything happens!” Finally he shut the door behind him.

I went over and locked the door, which would give us an extra few seconds if somebody tried to come in. Maybe we’d need it.

“You all right with this?” Bree asked.

I nodded. “You staying with me? Of course I am.”

She drifted over and hugged me again. “Let’s go upstairs, then.” She took my hand. “Alex, come.”

I let Bree take me upstairs. I was numb and in a faraway dreamscape anyway.

“There’s a phone in here,” she said as we entered the bedroom.

Then she hugged me again and reached down and started to unhook my belt. I didn’t think that was what I needed, but I was wrong about that.

Until the phone in the bedroom rang.

Chapter 131

THE CALLS TO the house started at a few minutes past four in the morning. Hang-ups, one after the other, virtually nonstop.

The calls were emotional torture for me, but I answered every time; and I didn’t dare take the phone off the hook. How could I? The phone was my lifeline to Nana and the kids. Whoever was calling had them. I had to believe that.

Bree and I held each other through the night, probably the worst night of my life.

I told her some of what I’d done and seen in Africa—about the horrors and Adanne and her family—their senseless murders. But I also talked about the goodness and naturalness of the people; their helplessness, caught in a nightmare they hadn’t created and didn’t want.

“And this Tiger, what more did you learn about that bastard, Alex?”

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