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The People vs. Alex Cross (Alex Cross 25)

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l die if you come down those stairs,” Bree shouted as she wriggled back past Sampson and crawled to a low line of untouched cabinets next to the stainless-steel stove.

She looked in three cabinets before she finally found the items she wanted. She grabbed them and scooted back to Sampson.

“What’s with the cookie sheets?” he asked.

“Motion,” Bree said, then she called out, “Ned, if you can, get down.”

She flung one of the cookie sheets over the counter that separated the kitchen from the living area.

The Uzi lit up, rattling bullets left to right, right to left again. She threw another cookie sheet and then a third before the action of the machine pistol locked open, the breech and barrel smoking hot.

She stood up cautiously, saw Ned lying on his side by the couch. His eyes were open but glassy, and his breathing looked shallow.

“We’re clear!” she shouted to the FBI agents upstairs as she ran to Mahoney. “Get your men out!”

Kneeling by Alex’s old FBI partner, Bree refused to cry. “You with me, Ned? Talk to me.”

Mahoney nodded and blinked. “Gut shot.”

“I can see that.”

Sampson came up behind her. “We’ve got to get him to a hospital, and the jamming’s still going on.”

“Help me get him up,” Bree said.

They lifted Ned to his feet. Mahoney passed out from the pain, becoming deadweight, and Sampson got him up on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. Bree ran in front of him to the front door and stepped out into the falling snow, shouting, “Alex? Agent Batra?”

A flashlight went on. Keith Rawlins called timidly, “Just me, Chief Stone.”

Sampson came out the door with Mahoney over his shoulder.

The snow fell in big flakes and coated the pavers as they hustled across the courtyard to the Tahoe Mahoney had driven into the estate. Rawlins stood outside it, looking as bedraggled as a cat in the rain.

“Drop the rear seat backs, would you?” Sampson said.

Seeming grateful to have something to do, Rawlins sprang into action, saying, “The jamming system is remarkable.”

“We know,” Bree said impatiently. “Where’s Batra’s car?”

“When the jamming started and then all the shooting, she decided to drive out, try to call for reinforcements.”

“Good,” Bree said as Sampson put Mahoney in the back of the Tahoe. “Where’s—”

“Don’t leave yet!” an FBI agent yelled down in the courtyard.

He carried a badly wounded man. They’d gotten blood-clotting agent into a chest wound, but his breathing was ragged and harsh.

“Get him in,” Bree said. “And the next one.”

“I’ll drive,” Sampson said, going through Mahoney’s coat pockets and finding the keys.

Everything was moving fast, and Bree was still in semi-shock from the ambush, so it was not until she saw Sampson throw the Tahoe in reverse and fishtail back down Edgars’s long driveway that she realized the snow had stopped.

She felt confused and overwhelmingly tired. She looked up at the sky, saw the clouds parting and a shaft of moonlight shining through, making the frosted courtyard look like a movie fantasy.

“Did Alex go with Agent Batra?” she asked Rawlins.

“Uh, no.”

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