Filthy Lies (Blackstone Dynasty 2) - Page 35

"Thank you for last night…and today," I replied in a whisper, hoping like hell he'd kiss me in the elevator again. Elevator kisses from James were my new favorite.

James was an incredibly beautiful man. A sculpted jaw shadowed with a few days of beard growth framed a face with the most expressive eyes I'd ever seen. I'd melt if I stared into his eyes for any period of time like I was right now. I took my offered chance and experienced the "melting" right on schedule, no problem whatsoever.

"Last night did have some very nice parts to it." He tipped his mouth down.

"I sure wish you'd let me in on that mysterious secret." I tilted my mouth toward his.

"Aren't all secrets mysterious?"

"Yes, but I still need to know."

"All in good time, sweetheart, and I'd much rather show you anyway."

Please show me.

My heart pounded crazily inside my chest.

"Oh, I plan on it," he said, just before touching his lips to mine. Clearly, I'd spoken my request out loud.

Dwelling on my mortification was a waste with James. He had a way of stripping down inhibitions and forcing them to take a back seat to the main issue. Which right now…was to kiss me.

He owned me with those magic lips of his. Magic lips. Magic tongue. He used both to press his way inside and proceeded to devour my mouth.

I welcomed every lick and swirl of him, offering myself to be devoured without hesitation. I lost any inhibitions the moment he put his mouth on me. I couldn't help it. Years of longing from afar finally had a place to land.

I felt his hand settle on my neck, his thumb moving slowly back and forth at the hollow of my throat, while his tongue pressed deeper inside, hot and hard. He had me trapped in the corner in such a way that I couldn't touch him back, and it was hot as hell. Held firmly and being mouth-fucked by James, it was all I could do to hang on for the ride of the best kiss I'd ever had.

Years of dreaming didn't even come close to doing his kiss—his passionate expertise—justice.

The flavors of whiskey and cinnamon met my tongue, delicious and seductive just like him. I felt him arch his hips inward, and I desperately sought to learn his taste. The feel of his body pressed hard against mine was sublime. My nipples pebbled into aching tips, and there was a luscious tingle where I was wet between my legs. Add one massive erection heating me further through our two layers of clothing, and I was blissfully lost in the kiss and the knowledge he was aroused as much as I was.

It all ended too soon though. When the ding of the elevator signaled we'd arrived at the top, he pulled away. I heard a moan of protest and realized it had come from me. The door opened as the thwack of helicopter rotors filled the silence. Lucas was coming in right on time. The doors swung closed again with a swoosh when we didn't move.

"Look at me," he said.

I met his eyes upon command and saw him smiling at me. It wasn't a smirk, and it wasn't smug. I hadn't seen a smiling James much in the last five years. God, it's even worse knowing his own father was somehow involved as well. If I made him smile like this, then what did that mean for me?

I was afraid to hope.

"I'm looking," I whispered.

"You're so beautiful to me…right now…right he

re…like this."

I do feel beautiful. I feel beautiful because of the way you look at me. No one had ever looked at me as if I was if I was their world.

"James, I…I want you to know—"

"Shhh, sweetheart, no words needed right now. Okay?" He'd put two fingers over my lips to hush me, but strangely it didn't bother me. If anything, it relieved me knowing he wasn't going to allow me to take this into awkward territory. I trust this man implicitly. It's almost instinctive.

I nodded and fought the urge to lick his fingers pressed against my freshly kissed lips.

"I'd like for you to think about what we talked about today and let that settle before we go any further. I'll be here waiting to take you to the ball on Saturday, and maybe you'll know more about what you want to do then." He slid his fingers away from my lips.

"All right. But, James, I want you to know that if you change your mind or have second thoughts about your offer, I will understand."

He lost the smile as he took hold of my face. "What makes you say that?"

Tags: Raine Miller Blackstone Dynasty Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024