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Belong Together (Three of Us 2)

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Me. I’m in there. Along with Zeke. Her heart’s big enough for the two of us.


“My hands are sweating,” I whisper to my brother. “Am I nervous? Why am I nervous?”

His eyes stay glued to the door that Olivia will walk down. “I dunno, bro. Why are you nervous? You think she’s not coming out? You think she’s in a car fleeing us?” He smirks. The asshole smirks.

If we weren’t standing in front of a hundred people and a minister, I might have reached over and tried to strangle him. Ever since he’s had Olivia in his bed, he’s gained new confidence and it shows in every aspect of his life. He was good on the field and now he’s great. It takes him no time to do his schoolwork. And, he’s gotten extra demanding in the bedroom which Olivia is really working for her and whatever works for her, gets me off. Our sex life has never been more explosive.

On the other hand, ever since we set the wedding date, I’ve been losing my mind, making sure we have the license, buying the ring, getting our tuxes. I’ve had to take care of the details since Levi was busy with football. Now that the actual event is here, you’d think I could relax, but I’m wound up tight as a clock. Would Olivia just get her sweet ass out the door so we can say our vows and then be done with this circus? I tug at my tie. Next to me, my sadistic brother laughs quietly.

The music changes and everyone rises as if they’re on strings. The doors at the back open and the vision that appears in front of me is so blindingly beautiful, I reach up and shade my eyes.

Olivia is dressed in a white princess gown. A filmy veil covers her face but I can see her bold smile underneath. The anxiety that had filled me before she appeared suddenly disappears.

She’s here. She’s finally fucking here. We’re going to say our vows, all three of us, in front of our friends and family. On Monday, Olivia and I will go to the courthouse and sign some paper that the government needs but today’s the day that matters. Today is the only day that matters as it is the day we make our vows to love and cherish each other until we die.

The two Moore ladies arrive in front of us. Then, as we practiced, Olivia lifts her veil and steps between my brother and me. Together, we face the crowd. Mama Moore joins our mother and behind us the minister raises his hands.

“To our beloved friends and family who have gathered here today to witness the binding of these two men and this woman, will you support and protect and love the marriage of these three?”

“We will,” replies the crowd without hesitation. There’s even clapping that breaks out in the back. Levi raises his fist and an echoing holler goes up. I’ll say this about the football team, they came through in a big way. The seats are full because of them and I know seeing all these faces of support is filling Olivia’s heart with joy in a big way.

“Then let us begin. Leviticus, Ezekiel, Olivia, please face me and prepare to say your vows.”

We do as he asks. Olivia places one of her hands in each of ours.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the sacred union between Leviticus Audley, Ezekiel Audley, and Olivia Moore. This is an honorable event, one that is entered into with a serious heart and a sober mind.”

Dude, how did we get so lucky? Levi asks. I mean, look at her. She’s so fucking gorgeous. We do not deserve.

Fuck if I know. I’m not questioning it.

“Guys, can you not? We’re in the middle of our wedding,” Olivia hisses. “I can hear you talking in my head, and it’s super distracting.”

“Sorry,” Levi mumbles.

“Sorry,” I reply.

The minister looks from one to the other and the other and then laughs heartily. “I can tell Olivia already has you two under control. Good thing we left out the obey portion.”

The crowd cracks up and so do we. I squeeze Olivia’s hand tight. It is a miracle that we found each other. It’s a miracle, but it’s also meant to be. The three of us belong together. Forever and amen.

Epilogue, The Second


Three and a half years later

I peek at my phone, which I’ve kept hidden in the sleeve of my oversized gown. This thing is a furnace out here in the May heat. I swear this is the hottest May in history. I stifle a yawn as I glance down at my phone screen. I almost drop my phone in the process but somehow manage to grab it before it hits the ground.

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