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Ivan’s hands were beautiful just like the rest of him. There was an unusual tattoo on his right ring finger that I got quick glimpses of when we’d stop at a light and he’d release the hold on the steering wheel. From what I could tell, it looked like a heraldic crest. Then I remembered he was aristocracy. He’d corrected me when I’d said he was an earl and told me he was only a “lowly baron.” He didn’t seem to be worried about our meeting in the slightest. In fact, he looked supremely pleased with himself, and very amused by our situation.

The cocky grin on his face stayed there for the entire drive up to Hallborough.


“YEAH, well, Elaina’s friend from France will be maid-of-honour now, and I need to add another groomsman to even out the couples. I know the wedding’s only six weeks out, but will you do it, mate?”

McManus was a good friend. I’d met him through E of course, but we’d logged some serious hours together over the years and I knew he was asking because he counted me as the same. I was happy for him and Elaina. Happy for Ethan and Brynne. Happy for my people who’d managed to find the one they couldn’t dream of living without.

If I was totally honest I could accept that the feeling had never been there for me. Not even with…her.

We all know she certainly didn’t feel it for me—

Neil interrupted my morose thoughts about my ex with something far more intriguing. “You’ve met Gaby, yeah? Elaina said she’d pair the two of you up together at ours. She’s beautiful, intelligent, and a complete darling. I’m sure the two of you will get on brilliantly.”

My head snapped up to meet his suggestive grin and my brain switched the fuck on.

“Right,” I said smoothly. “Gaby is lovely, I agree. I’ve only just met her a while ago when Hannah sent me down to the station to bring them up to the house.” It appeared that we were both lying about having met before. I had no problem with pretending if she didn’t.

“So, can I tell Elaina you’ll do it?” Neil asked hopefully.

“How can I say no to you, you romantic sod? I’d be honoured to stand up for you while you shackle yourself to your beloved.”

Neil clapped me on the back and thanked me enthusiastically while I did a silent fist pump in the air. Score one for me. He raised his Guinness to my Bombay & Schweppes in salute.

Fate could be a beautiful thing, I realized as I tapped drinks with my friend.

I’d found her again just like I’d hoped, even if I don’t think I could’ve been more surprised by the circumstances. My mysterious obsession was connected directly to my own flesh and blood. E and Brynne had both talked about Gaby to me. Both had expressed how much they wanted us to meet on more than one occasion.

Well we did, actually. And all on our own. And definitely not in the way you’d expect.

What were the odds?

I had her in my sights for the weekend, and would again in six weeks when Neil and Elaina tied the knot in Scotland. Oh, this was priceless.

Gaby. I rolled the name around in my mouth silently.

I liked the sound of Gabrielle more. It fit her exquisite beauty to perfection.

She was Gabrielle to me. Especially since I now understood that “Maria” was just a specter from a night when confusion and mistaken identity had ruled. I now had the real name for the real woman, and for some reason, it felt fucking victorious.

But I don’t think she was too happy about seeing me. She’d been so quiet on the drive up to the house, sitting stiffly in the seat within inches of me, breathing in soft deep pulls that made me want to feel them against my skin. Make that her skin on my skin. Naked.

Gabrielle Hargreave pushed a

ll of my buttons, and in just the right way. I was pretty sure I pushed hers as well, even if she wasn’t ready to admit it just yet.

I would let her absorb the blow of finding out exactly how we fit into the other’s world for the moment. This whole thing was a shock, I’d agree with her on that point. But now with our little freak-out behind us, there was nothing for it but to go forward. I’d get her alone later on and tell her what I needed to say. And she would listen to me this time.

She didn’t have another option.

I grinned at Neil as he went off to get us another round of drinks. Gabrielle was firmly in my world now, and there would be no escape for her.

Not during the next three days at least.

HER arse. The skirt clinging to it. Her skirt was tight and black with colourful flowers wrapping around front to back. Looked very nice paired with her long legs and black heels. I’ve had my fingers up in between those lovely legs…

Yeah…I wished I was that skirt right now. I know she saw me pegging her the moment she came into the garden for rehearsal with the others, too, but she ignored me and turned away to talk to Brynne’s mum.

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