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Her hand gripped the back of my shoulder, the pressure of her holding onto me feeling fucking perfect. I didn’t want to set her down straight away. She felt so right in my arms.

“How do we get to the house?” She rolled one of her ankles and showed off what, if I had to guess, were steely grey Manolo Blahniks with an open toe, and very sexy on her feet. “I don’t think these will make it very far, and I really like them.”

I laughed. “I really like them, too.”

“Are you going to carry me?” she asked coyly.

“I’d rather not.”

“Chivalry has died so soon, Mr. Everley. So sad.” She mocked a sad shake of her head that made my cock even more twitchy.

“No, Miss Hargreave, it has not died actually, but I am afraid my arms will die if I have to carry you the two miles distance it will take to get us to my house.”

She frowned adorably. “But I can’t ruin my shoes.”

I kissed her, licking along her bottom lip until she opened for my tongue. It was hard not to put her back in the plane and stretch her out in the rear cargo where I could get acquainted with her body sans the pretty dress. She could even keep her shoes on if she liked.

But that wasn’t how this night was going to go down. No, I had special plans for my Gabrielle.


Fuckin’ hell, I surely hoped so. It had taken close to a miracle for me to find her again.

With some superhuman effort, I pulled away from her luscious lips and carried her to the Jeep parked on the other side of the hangar. I set her down carefully and motioned with my arm. “My lady, your chariot awaits and your precious shoes will be spared.”

“Ah, but what you really mean is your precious arms will be spared.” She teased me with a soft draw of her finger down the sleeve of my jacket.

“Of course.” I gave her a wink. “I don’t want to waste all my energy up carrying you two miles over hill and dale when I could be using that same effort for other things.”

The sexual tension exploded between us as soon as the words left my mouth.

One second we were teasing each other, and the next second we definitely weren’t.

She reached for the door handle at the same moment I did, our hands colliding.

Fuck this, I thought. Fumbling around was time wasted when I could be getting lost in her.

I put her in the Jeep, and had myself behind the wheel with the ignition on about five seconds after that.

Yeah, she was going to be mine all right. At least for tonight she would. Gabrielle was on the exact same page as me with the sex.

As I floored the Jeep up the dirt road to the house, I had to ask myself one really important question.

Was I ready to do this again? Because once I started down this path with her I wouldn’t be able to shut it off and stop. I knew she wasn’t at all like the women who’d distracted me since Viviana. Deep down in my bones I knew it. Gabrielle would ignite in me emotions I’d buried because I understood precisely what they did to me. She’d begin a change in me. I’d get possessive, and needy, and controlling. My kink would emerge. Those things I couldn’t alter about myself. Is that what drew me to her so strongly? Were we both feeling an innate sense of connection here? But what if I was way off base? She might not want me once she met that Ivan Everley.

But it would be too late by that point.

She didn’t know it, but Gabrielle wasn’t the only one who’d been burned for trusting someone.

I looked over at her sitting beautifully calm beside me. Gabrielle had already made her decision to be with me. Her struggle had come before, and emotionally was behind her now.

That’s when I knew the reality of my situation.

It was too late for me already. She’d already unknowingly begun the change. Whether she wanted it or not, I was already hers.

I led her up the stairs quickly, her left hand clasped firmly in my right, and her Manolos clutched in my other. I was impatient and didn’t want her stumbling or twisting her ankle going up the massive staircase in those high heels. I’d put them back on her later. When she was gloriously naked.

This reminded me of the other time I’d led her by the hand. When I brought her in from the garage through the pouring rain. I wondered if she remembered. But that time was very different from right now. This time I was taking her to my bedroom where we would fuck wildly and have a mutually pleasurable time together. Finally. Two people on a mission to fornicate in the dirtiest ways possible, I hoped.

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