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Captured (Castile Family 1)

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“I’d think with all the wedding planning you’re still doing that would be a given.”

“I’m just doing my job,” I throw back in my own defense before turning and stomping toward the door. I fling it open to see a disheveled Maddox. He still looks handsome in his wrinkled suit and hair that is sticking out a little. It looks as though he keeps running his fingers through it. I want him to run his fingers all over me. My face heats. My mind went there fast. It’s been that way since the first time I saw him. I’ve wanted him from the very beginning but I tricked myself into believing that I was just doing my job. Every second that I watched him added to the growing love that was blooming inside me. Each layer that I peeled back of his life made me fall deeper in love with him.

“I’m sorry, my darling girl,” he rushes to say. Maybe he thinks I’m going to slam the door in his face. I don’t. Instead, I throw myself at him. He catches me. There are no words that either one of us can say in this moment. We both hold each other tightly as if we’re never going to let go. His hand is in my hair holding me against his chest. I can hear the beat of his heart as the fingers he has in my hair caress me. I feel loved and protected all at the same time. He leans back, nudging my chin up so that I’m looking into his gorgeous eyes. He brushes his lips against mine while whispering that he’s sorry.

“Maddox.” That’s the only word I get out before another kiss lands on my lips. “I’m sorry too. I got caught up in the PI thing and I wasn’t prepared to fall in love with you.” The words slip out before I can stop them. There is nothing light about the way his mouth comes down on me this time. He pours everything he has into our kiss. His mouth possesses mine.

“I’m not wearing a dress,” MJ says. Maddox pulls back from the kiss. MJ’s eyes flip from us over to Cullen, who is openly staring at her.

“What are you looking at?” she finally snips at him. “Take a picture, why don’t you? It lasts longer.”

“Okay.” Cullen pulls out his phone and takes a picture.

“You did not just do that.”

Cullen shrugs his shoulders. As if to say I’ll do whatever I want.

“I charge for pictures.” It’s true. She makes money off her pictures. It’s normally her with food or a knife, but still.

“How about we leave these two kids alone and I’ll buy you coffee and something from the bakery?”

“No.” MJ grabs her purse from the table by the front door. “I want a beer and steak.”

Cullen full-on smiles at her stern look. For the first time I can really see how much he and Maddox do look alike, only Cullen’s eyes are blue. You’d think she was an adorable puppy who did something naughty but is too cute to be mad at with the way Cullen is smiling down at her.

“After you, shortcake.” He doesn’t move but motions for her to pass.

MJ looks to me. “He’s pushing it.” She nods to Cullen as if he can’t hear her. “And you.” She points to Maddox, whose hold on me tightens. “Yeah, you know what I’m saying.” She doesn’t actually say anything but MJ can get her point across by only giving a look.

“I love her too,” Maddox tells her, but his eyes come back to mine. “I promise to take care of her.”

“Yeah, until death parts your ways. Don’t make me be death.” With that, MJ must leave because I hear the door shut.

“You love me too?” I cuddle in closer to him.

“I was going to tell you right after I said I was sorry but you beat me to it, darling girl. Why else would I be trying to marry you?”

“How were you going to get me to marry you?” I shake my head but can’t stop smiling because it’s all ridiculous and crazy but really isn’t that me? He’s seen me at some bad points and still he was pushing forward trying to marry me. MJ has to be right. He somehow finds the way I am endearing. My mind flashes to all the times I messed something up and when I told him about my past jobs. Every time he was quick to try and make it okay. Even place blame on others for me.

“I was going to make you fall in love with me. Isn’t that what men are supposed to do when they find their one? Love them unconditionally. Make each other’s lives better.”

He did make my life better. “How do I make your life better?” I have seen for myself how he’s made mine ten times better. This is the first job I’d ever enjoyed. I’m still not sure it’s a real job but I don’t care at this point. All I care about is being with Maddox.

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