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The Empire (Filthy Trilogy 3)

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My cock thickens, the idea of her tongue on my body stirring a blast of dirty thoughts that I find far more appealing than dealing with my brother. “Is that right?”

“Yes,” she says, her hand sliding low and stroking my zipper. “So let’s go get this over with so I can get started.” She tries to pull away, but I hold her fast and easy, my mouth closing down on hers, my tongue stroking deep before I say, “Do you know how much I want to take you back upstairs and keep you naked and in our bed for days on end?”

“I’d like to be naked with you and in our bed for days on end. Yes, please.”

I kiss her again, a firm press of my mouth to hers. “Let’s go so we can get home.”

She climbs into the backseat and I join her, sealing us inside with Savage already behind the wheel. “Grayson’s protected,” Savage assures me before he starts driving, glancing over his shoulder. “I trust Smith. I know he got off on the wrong foot with you, but he’s good, man. Really good. And Grayson is layered with surveillance and extra men.”

I nod and Savage turns his attention to the road, leaving me with Grayson on my mind, which is why I text Davis: Grayson was just at my apartment, pushing to be more involved in what is getting dirtier every moment. Get him the fuck out of town.

His reply is almost instant: Tomorrow. If I push the NFL negotiation today, he’ll be suspicious. I’ll get him out of here tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Considering the decoded message and Isaac showing up here, that doesn’t feel soon enough. There’s a knock on the window and Savage calls out, “It’s Blake,” and then rolls down my window.

“That record is sealed,” he says. “Whatever this is, someone wanted it well buried.”

“Tell me you can get to it.”

“I can,” he assures me. “I already have a man in Colorado working on Isaac’s birth certificate. I’m sending someone to Chicago. By morning, you’ll know whatever secrets those birth certificates hold.”

I nod and he steps back while Savage rolls up the window. By morning, we’ll know the secrets Gigi was trying to expose, but right now, morning feels too far away. My gut says I need answers, and I need them now, but only one person can give those to me—and that’s Isaac. Fortunately, that’s the very person I’m going to visit right now. Unfortunately, as much as I’ll enjoy watching him make a fool of himself with law enforcement watching, they’ll also be watching me, and anything I do to him.



The minute the vehicle is moving and we’ve left Blake behind, Harper catches my hand. “What is this?”

“You already asked me that.” I stroke her hair and kiss her. “Blake told us nothing that changes my answer.”

“Do you or do you not think that you have a second sibling? One older than Isaac that would inherit based on that will?”

I release her and ease back. “If that were the case, Isaac wouldn’t be hyper-focused on me right now.”

“Maybe he’s already killed the other sibling and now he wants to get rid of anyone left to stake a claim on the family fortune and business when your father dies?”

“I don’t need or want that man’s inheritance. I have my own money. Why would I go after his?”

She grabs my arm, and even with my jacket on, her hand settles over the scars created by the boiling water Isaac threw on me. “Because you hate him. Because

he’s given you reasons to hate him and he wants the money and the power.”

“That doesn’t feel right to me.”

“Then what could it be?”

“I don’t know yet, but we’ll find out soon. Once Blake gets Isaac’s birth certificate and the name on the other one.”

“What could be hiding on Isaac’s birth certificate? Could he be younger than we think?”

“I’m not sure why he’d lie about his age. My father would have to be a part of that, but it’s possible. Perhaps he needed an heir of a certain age for some legal reason.”

Savage pulls us to the side door of the hospital. “Whatever the case, Isaac and Gigi know what we don’t. She’s gone. He’s here. He’s the answer we need.” I open the door and exit the vehicle. Harper is scooting toward the edge of the seat almost immediately, but she doesn’t get out.

“He’s not going to tell you.”

I lift her out of the seat, molding her close. “You underestimate me, baby.”

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