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Reckless (The House of Rohan 2)

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"Or what? You'll refuse to serve me?"

"Don't be daft. Miss Charlotte," Meggie said, her voice softening. "You need a nice cup of tea, don't you? I can have Cook—"

The knock on the door stopped her in the midsentence, and Charlotte's heart flew into her throat. It was Rohan, come back for her. It didn't matter why or how, she'd do anything he wanted. No one would make a social call at this hour—there was no one else it could possibly be.

She jumped to her feet, moving toward the door, when Meggie moved in front of her, a troubled expression on her face. "Mr. Jenkins will answer the door, Miss Charlotte," she said. She felt herself flush. At this rate she'd never be able to fool anyone. She sat back down, determined to be calm. Why had he come back? He must have been feeling as bereft as she was. Was there any way she could throw herself into his arms and beg him to carry her off and finish ravishing her?

Of course there was. All she had to do was ask. Tell him. Proving to everyone she'd finally lost her mind.

Jenkins appeared at the salon door, his long face showing no reaction to the unexpected visitor. "The Reverend Simon Pagett to see Lady Whitmore. I explained she wasn't at home, but he's asked to wait, and I wondered if you might be willing to receive him in her place. Miss Spenser. "

Not by a blink of an eye did she show her reaction. And yet Meggie moved close enough to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Sorry, love," she whispered.

Meggie had always known more than she should, and been far too quick to guess the rest. Charlotte straightened her back, cursing herself for a fool. "Of course we'll receive him, Jenkins. Lady Whitmore should return at any time now. "

A moment later the vicar was ushered in, and Charlotte had her first chance to get a good look at him. She'd seen him at a distance when she'd arrived back at Hensley Court, bruised and battered and badly shaken from her fall, but she hadn't been able to form an opinion. Now she needed a distraction quite badly, so as she rose and curtsied she took covert sto

ck of him.

Interesting. Lina had told her he was old, and sour, and mean-spirited and quite the most miserable human being she had ever met, and if she never saw him again she would be very glad.

She'd lied. Simon Pagett was probably somewhere short of forty, with a lean, wiry body and the kind of face that had seen too much. It was a serious face, but he had really fine eyes, and some women might find his mouth to be sensual. Which of course was wrong in a cleric, but the vicar didn't appear to be someone who'd lived a sheltered life of abstinence.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but I'm looking for Lady Whitmore. "

"Do sit down, Mr. Pagett. Is Lord Montague. . . has he worsened?"

He didn't sit. "I'm afraid so. He's asked for Lady Whitmore, and I'm hoping she'll return to Sussex with me. If she can tear herself away from her pressing social obligations. "

There was a note of censure in his voice. "You disapprove of social obligations, Mr. Pagett?" Charlotte asked, wondering if this was how Lina had formed her negative opinion.

He smiled then, ruefully, and Charlotte was momentarily charmed. He must not have smiled at Lina, or her opinion would have risen considerably. "Of course not, Miss Spenser. I must confess it's been a long ride from the country and I'm worried about Montague. It's made me a bit short-tempered. " He glanced around him. 'If I might ask, where is Lady Whitmore?"

"At Ranelagh with Sir Percy Wainbridge," she said.

"Do you expect her to return tonight?"

"Yes, she expects me to return tonight," Lina's sharp voice came from the doorway. "I'm not in the habit of traipsing off to spend the night with my lovers. "

Mr. Pagett turned abruptly, and there was an immediate tension in the air. “I have no idea what you're in the habit of doing. Lady Whitmore. I was given to understand that you do exactly what you want to. "

But Lina had already moved past the insult. "Is Monty dead?" she asked in an anxious voice, tension vibrating through her body.

"Not yet," he said, and Lina's shoulders relaxed slightly. "But I'm afraid it won't be long. Thomas has asked if you would like to come say goodbye. "

Author: Anne Stuart

"No, I would not," Lina said flatly, shocking Charlotte as well as Pagett.

Pagett nodded grimly. "In that case I'll take my leave. . . "

"I won't say goodbye to him," Lina said. "I refuse to let him die, and that's exactly what I shall tell him. Do we leave tonight or is the morning soon enough?"

Was there a look of approval in Pagett's eyes? If so, Lina didn't notice it. "Traveling at night is more difficult. "

"So it is. I gather by your answer that tonight would be belter. Meggie, go upstairs and pack for me. Charlotte, I presume you want to stay here?"

Alone, in London, with Adrian Rohan a few streets down? "I want to come with you," she said, rising. 'I’ll go help. "

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