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Stealing Valentine

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She erupts into giggles again as I tackle her with tickles once again. And I’m about to break my stance on giving her a breather and claim her once again, when suddenly, I hear it.

…A helicopter motor.

And it’s not passing over, it’s coming down. I swear, my pulse roaring to life as I jump from the bed. I run to the window and glance out, and when I see the giant black chopper landing in the back yard of the house, my jaw clenches.


Men in black with guns drawn stream out from the helicopter, but I’m already whirling, running back to her.


Her face pales. “No,” she says quietly, shaking her head. “No, how…”

“I don’t know,” I growl, my jaw tight. “But we need to—”

There’s the sound of wood splintering, and then a crashing sound from the back door, and Valentine’s eyes go wide.


“I’m not going to let them hurt you,” I hiss, whirling, my muscles clenching as I plant myself between her and the door. I counted eight guys coming out of the helicopter, And all armed.

…Those aren’t exactly good odds.

I can hear Valentine yanking clothes on behind me, and I snarl, wrapping a sheet around my waist. Boots come thundering down the hall, and suddenly, the bedroom door comes crashing in. Valentine screams, and I roar as the men come storming in, barking orders, yelling at me to hit the floor, waving guns everywhere.

Valentine is still screaming when one of them goes for her, and that’s when I snap. I bellow, lunging at the guy and catching him around the waist. I bring him down with a thud, my fist coming down to slam into his face over and over until I’m being dragged away. Fists rain down on me, doubling me over and making me roar like a beast as seven of them pile on to me. I’m fighting back, kicking and lashing out and snarling until suddenly, a voice stops them.


One of them punches me one last time, before the whole group of them step away from me, panting. I grunt, spitting blood from my lip as I groan in pain. Valentine rushes for me, but two of them are grabbing her, and yanking her away. I snarl, lunging to my feet, before suddenly, the same voice that stopped the beat down speaks again.

“Don’t you fucking move.”

This time, I look past the goons, and when I see him, my jaw clenches tight.

It’s Martin, Valentine’s father.

He shakes his head, his eyes narrowing at me.

“So,” he mutters. “It appears I let a snake into the house.”

I smile at him. “Aww now, that sounds like someone’s mad their uncrackable, million-dollar security system didn’t end up being that good.”

He glowers at me. “I gave you a job, you piece of shit. I invited you into my damn house, and—”

He stops, shaking his head again as he swears under his breath.

“No matter.” He glances at Valentine, and then to me, still just wearing a sheet, and he shakes his head in disgust. “I win, Mr. Hammond.”

My brow arches at his use of my real name, and he grins.

“Ahh, see, I know who you are now. I’m a very connected man, you little shit. And I know all about your history now. Nice play, but it looks like you wasted a fucking year for nothing. Because now, these,” he jabs a finger at the diamonds around Valentine’s neck.

“These are mine. I win, and you lose.”

“Take the fucking necklace,” I hiss. “I don’t care, it’s yours.”

“No shit.”

“Leave her.”

My voice is so raw and edged that a few of the guards actually take a step back, glancing nervously at each other. Martin pales a little as well, before he glares at me again.

“I don’t think so. This is how things are going to happen, you little prick. The diamonds are mine. My daughter is mine.”

“Like hell I am!” Valentine spits venomously, fighting against the men holding her. I growl, getting up to go to her, but two others level guns right in my face.

“And you?” Martin glowers at me. “You’re fucking done.”

“Don’t you dare hurt him!” Valentine screams, lunging for her father. But he just chuckles, shaking his head as he turns back to me.

“I could, you know,” he mutters quietly. “I could have you hurt, bad. Or even killed, right here.” He shakes his head. “But I want this loss to hurt you.”

I smirk at him. “What, you gonna have me arrested?” I make a tsking sound. “Martin, the things I know about your fucking company after a year in upper management—”

“I’m not going to have you arrested either, prick,” he growls, his eyes narrowing. “And I’m aware of… things you may have learned about Cobalt Tech. So, here’s what we’re going to do. First, you’re done. Finished. I even hear a rumor about you pulling another job, and I’ll have every law enforcement officer in the country on your ass. You’re retired, asshole. Right now. Fade the fuck away. Go get a job washing dishes. Get fucked.”

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