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Crash into You (Pushing the Limits 3)

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Beth stops in front of Rachel and gives her a once-over. “I’m Beth,” she says. “Since Isaiah has lost his manners. ”

Rachel lifts her chin in the air. A surge of pride courses through my blood. Damn if she’ll permit Beth to get the better of her. “I’m Rachel. ”

“She’s with me,” I say, causing Rachel to meet my eyes. Come on, angel, I know we’ve got stuff to work out, but stay with me. Beth is the one who doesn’t belong here.

Beth clears her throat. She wants my attention, but she’s not receiving it. “Logan inherited a car, and I told him you could help him fix it. I told him you were the best. ”

“I only do favors for friends,” I respond while holding Rachel’s gaze. That’s right. Keep those gorgeous violet eyes on me. Instinctively, you trust me. Keep on doing it.

I need time with Rachel: time to explain why I never called, time to explain that our one night together meant something and time to explain why I said those words to Eric that hurt her so badly. Time to understand why the hell I care so much that Rachel’s mad at me. Because the world never works in my favor, I have no time.

“I used to be your best friend,” Beth sneers. “Is she your friend now?”

Clearly curious for the answer, Rachel pushes her hair behind her ear as if to hear me better. I don’t want Beth involved in my life anymore, plus I don’t know what to say about me and Rachel. I like her. She’s a mystery. And I’m seriously attracted to her. I guess we’re friends, but something stops me from saying that aloud. “Shop’s closed, Beth. ”

Rachel’s eyes shut, and when she opens them, she looks at Beth. “He owes me a favor. ”

Beth’s shoulders visibly relax, and I wonder why she cares who I’m spending time with. Beth left me. “So, Isaiah, what type of favor do you owe her?”

“I need money,” Rachel answers with a boldness few have used with Beth. Anger shoots through me. That’s business strictly between me and Rachel. Not information for Beth. “And Isaiah is going to drag race my car in order to help me get it. So when I’m finished with him, you can have your friend back. ”

The sadistic smile I remember so well from when Beth feels threatened slides across her face. “Thanks, but I don’t need your permission. ”

Rachel swings her purse onto her shoulder and cocks her head at me. “You want to race my car, fine. You can race my car. Text me the when and where and I’ll be there. And don’t worry about coming up with the full amount. I can come up with some of it on my own. ”

“Rachel. . . ” I start.

But she’s already across the garage. Her coat falls off the hook when she slams the door.

Just fuck. I stalk past Beth and glance out the door’s small window. The engine of her Mustang growls as it pulls out of the lot. I pick up her coat. It smells like her—like the ocean. I gently place it back on the hook. “Get out of my life, Beth. ”

“Beth,” says jock boy. “Let’s go. ”

“Now, that you’ve decided to speak up,” I say to him, “take Beth and get the fuck out. ”

“No, Logan,” Beth interjects. “Give me a few minutes with Isaiah. ”

The guy with dark hair releases a frustrated breath. “I promised Ryan I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, so whatever you have to say or do. . . ” He shrugs his shoulders.

I wait for Beth to tell the guy—Logan—where to shove what he said. She only crosses her arms over her chest. I let out a sarcastic chuckle. The girl’s been domesticated. I head back to my Mustang, de

ciding it’s best to ignore them both.

Beth follows and stands a foot from me. “Noah and I talk,” she says.


“You and I were friends before, and we can be friends again. ”

More silence.

“I miss you. ”

And she went too far. I turn to the jock. “What type of work are we talking?” I’m desperate for additional sources of income and maybe he can pay.

Logan moves his head in a who-knows fashion. “It runs, but makes strange noises when it hits forty. I’d like it to not explode on the freeway and for it to run faster. ”

“Can you pay?”

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