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Her Double Mountain Outlaws

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My thighs trembled as I squirmed against him, bucking my hips as I started to tumble towards that sweet edge.

His tongue swirled over my hard little button over and over again, fingers digging into my skin as his groans vibrated through my core.

“Come for me, Kennedy. Make this wet little cunt come for me.”

And suddenly, everything exploded.

I screamed as the orgasm detonated through me, shaking me to my core as I shuddered and writhed against him. My hips bucked like I’d been electrocuted, rocking against his wicked tongue as he teased me right through my climax. The heat thundered through me, the moan of pleasure piercing from my lips in an aching cry as I came hard against his tongue.

I collapsed as he pulled me into his lap, and instantly, our mouths crushed together. I whimpered, tasting myself on his lips and kissing him even harder at the naughtiness of it. His hand slid up and down my bare thighs, pulling my hips against him and letting me feel the thick bulge in his jeans.

Oh God yes.

I threw all my rules and all my hang ups away. The no bad boy thing. Keeping my head on straight. The fact that I’d been fantasizing about his best friend. All of it. I let it all go as I just clung to him, kissing this rough, wild, outlaw with everything I had as I lost myself in his lips.

The front door banged open, and suddenly, the whole thing shattered.

I gasped, my heart lurching into my throat as I practically levitated off of Caleb’s lap. I swore, grabbing my panties and yanking them back up my legs before doing the same with my jeans, just as Lucy’s voice called out from the kitchen.

“Hey girl, you up? I bought wine, let’s—”

I managed to zip my jeans up just before Lucy walked into the living room, whirling to meet her with the worlds guiltiest smile on my face.


Lucy’s brow shot up, a small smile creeping over her face as her green eyes darted between me and Caleb.

“I… didn’t know you had a friend over.”

“My car… uh, the tire, um, broke.”

I cringed at my own flubbing words, my mouth twisting.

“Right, your tire…” Lucy gave me a sharp and very knowing look before glancing at Caleb.

“I’m Lucy.”


“I know who you are.” She shrugged. “Dude it’s not like there a lot of tattoo parlors on Blackthorn.”

She glanced between us, grinning.

“But, anyways, I can just head back out or—”

“No!” I said it way too quickly, swallowing the heat from my face. “No, I… I mean…”

“You know what Lucy?” Caleb stood, that smug, cocky smile on his face. “I was just leaving. Kennedy just wanted a quick consultation about a tattoo cover up.”

“Oh… yeah, cool.”

Lucy’s eyes darted to me, peering into mine with that arched brow of hers.

“Come by the shop anytime, Doc,” Caleb purred quietly. “You know where to find me.” His eyes caught mine. Or Landon.”

I swallowed, nodding. “Thanks for the, uh… thanks for the ride.”

“Anytime, Doc,” he murmured, winking at me before he turned to smile at Lucy.

“Nice to meet you.”

Lucy was silent until we heard the front door close and his motorcycle thunder to life before roaring away.

“You go, girl!”

I blushed furiously. “It’s—no, it’s not like that.”

“Bullshit,” she snorted.

“It’s really not—”

“Your pants are unbuttoned, dude.”

I cringed, my face burning as I quickly reached down to fix my jeans.

“Also, a tattoo consultation? Seriously?”


She laughed. “Ken, I’ve seen your tattoo.”


“And I only saw it because we were in the showers in the locker room at your clinic.”

My blush grew deeper.

“Pretty intimate ‘tattoo consultation.’”

“He’s a professional, Lucy.”

She hooted a laugh. “Oh, I am sure he is.”

I scowled, turning, when she sighed.

“Oh c’mon, I’m just teasing you. Besides, why are you being weird about this. He’s completely hot, you’re completely single, and I know for a fact you haven’t gotten laid in like, the entire time I’ve known you.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and she grinned.

“Seriously! So you hooked up with hot tattoo guy. What’s the problem?”

I frowned. “I told you about Nick.” I shrugged. “No bad boys.”

“Uh, A, there’s nothing ‘boy’ about the hot piece of yes please who just walked out of here. And B, make a freaking exception? What else is the problem?”

Besides that I’ve bene fantasizing about his best friend? Or of his best friend and him, together? Yeah, nothing. Nothing at all.

I just shrugged. “It’s complicated.”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “This is why you’re single.”

I gave her the finger and she laughed. “Come on. This wine isn’t going to drink itself.”



The metallic sound of me putting my tattoo gun back onto the metal tray by my station echoed in the silence. Caleb’s jaw tightened, and I could see his eyes trying to size up what the fuck I was thinking, like he was wondering if he should start to run or get ready to fight or something.

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