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Her Double Mountain Outlaws

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Caleb snarled at him. “How about you come over here and take a peek yourself, asshole.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he sneered back.

Landon grinned. “Shit, we might, but I know you would.”

The man’s smile faded, a cold rage sparking in his eyes before he suddenly yanked the shotgun up and leveled it at Landon.

“Yeah? Yeah?” He spat. “Who’s laughing now, funny man.”

“Take it easy, Harry,” Caleb growled, his jaw tense and his muscles straining against his binds.

“Take it easy, huh?” Harry muttered. “Take it easy while you two fuckwads run off with my money?” His eyes narrowed as he glanced back at me. “Oh, now, is this what you spent it all on? Pretty little piece like this? Shit, how much does a country mountain whore like this charge to let both you faggots fuck—”

“That’s enough!” Landon roared, lunging so hard that the pipe he was tied to wrenched from its brackets a little. The men around him quickly jumped in, one of them sinking the butt of his rifle into Landon’s stomach as I screamed.

Slowly, through the commotion, I was aware of Harry laughing.

“Well fuck me!” he hooted, glancing at me again. “Wait, do I have this right? She with both of you?!” He held his side, cackling as he doubled over. “Shit, girl, one man just don’t do it for you, huh? I mean, how many dicks do you gotta fuck before you need two of them just too—”

This time it was Caleb who roared, yanking so hard at the ropes holding him back that I saw blood drip from his wrists. He bellowed, rage fuming in his eyes as Harry just laughed while his men shoved Caleb back.

Harry kept chuckling, wiping a tear from his eye as he shook his head. Finally, he took a breath, snickering as he glanced over at my two guys.

“Assholes. Last chance. Where’s my fucking money.”

“It’s gone,” Caleb spat, sneering at the man. “It was never yours anyways, and we made sure that it never would be.”

“You spend it?”

Landon shook his head. “Burned it.”

Harry arched a brow, peering at the two of them, like he was trying to see if they were messing with him.

“You what now?”

Caleb grinned. “Burned it, douchebag. Every fucking last dollar of it.”

Slowly, Harry shook his head, laughing that creepy, low chuckle quietly.

“Well, that was a big fuckin’ mistake.”

He sighed, nodding to himself before suddenly, he brought his gun up, checked the barrels, and then racked it shut.

“Well, here’s what we’re gonna do. The three of you? This whole… thing you got going? I’m amused by it. So, let’s play a little game. My gun here has two barrels, and two rounds. And on the count of three, I’m gonna let you three decide which one doesn’t get a round through the chest. Capiche?”

The blood drained from my face, my heart racing as I slowly shook my head.

“No,” I breathed, my head shaking faster. “No, you can’t—”

“I most certainly can, sweetheart,” Harry chuckled. “Now personally, I’m rooting for you. It’d be a shame to fuck up a rack like that.” His eyes dipped to the front of my robe, and I yanked it tighter around me, glaring at him as he snickered.

“But who knows what’ll happen! Alright now, we all ready?”

Across from me, Landon and Caleb glanced at each other before they turned to me, eyes burning right into mine as my heart started to break.

“I love you, Kennedy,” Caleb said quietly.


“I love you too, angel,” Landon growled, his eyes fixed on me as mine filled with tears.



Before Harry could say three, suddenly, both Landon and Caleb bellowed loudly.

…And they yelled my name.

Harry crowed as I started to sob, my head shaking.

“Aww well now look at that! True love, eh fellas?” He wagged his brows at his men, who all started chuckling. I shook my head tears blurring my vision as I turned away.

And then, I paused.

The man with the mean voice who’d been dragging me along was standing right next to me, and there, by his feet were Landon and Caleb’s cell phones, a backpack Caleb had brought with him, and my purse—a weird collection of things they’d apparently taken along with us from the house.

The sound of Harry loudly cocking the shotgun yanked my attention back towards him.

“So, bad news, kids.” He grinned triumphantly. “I lied,” he snickered. “Did you really think I was going to let you all pick someone to live? None of you are walking out of here.”

My heart sank, and I watched the color drain from Caleb and Landon’s faces.

“Nah, I just wanted to see who the favorite was.” He winked at my guys. “Hate to break it to you, fellas, but she dies to. She’s just gonna die last so she can watch me cut you both in fucking half with this shotgun.”

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