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Taking Back His Bride

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“At our house,” I whisper back.

“Welcome home, love.”



I don’t want to put her dress back on. Ever. I want her naked and under me, over me, riding me, coming for me, for fucking ever after. But though the pilot is a loyal employee of mine, I won’t risk him sneaking a peak. Not of her. That’s for my eyes and my eyes only.

I end up wrapping her up in it, her bra stuffed into my jacket pocket along with the shreds of her panties. I carry her out, steping out onto the rocky sandy beach. Wind whips around us from the chopper, and I shield her, bending as the pilot lifts back off and flies away.

And then, finally, for the first time in years, we’re alone.

Her lips sear to mine, and I growl, clutching her to me like she may float away like the helicopter we just rode in on. Moonlight glows down on us, and I can smell the Pacific shore as the mid-summer winds blow in off the water. I pull away, turning, and she follows my gaze up the small rise, up to the little bluff that juts about ten feet over the beach. And perched there is the house.

Our house.

We lived here once, before, when we were happy. It’s small, in that northern California beachy way, but we made it our home. I fixed the roof myself—built that porch too, and those stairs that zig zag from the front yard down to the sand. Leanna painted the interior, and the garden—well, what used to be a garden, is all her too.

“I haven’t been back here since…”

She trials off, and my jaw clenches.

Since your father told you I’d left you for someone else.

That thought lights a fire in me, and I growl fiercely, hands clenching before I feel her touch on my arm. Cooling me. Soothing me. Reminding me that I don’t have to be angry anymore, not now that I’ve got her back here with me.

“You know I have a condo back in the city, right?”

I turn, smiling hungrily at her.

“And I’ll take you over every fucking surface of that place too.”

She blushes fiercely, her lip catching in her teeth the way that it always does. God, that look slays me.

“But for this time, for claiming you again, it has to be here. Our house.”

She nods, and when my hand closes around hers, she squeezes back. I lead her across the sand, her dress still wrapped around her as she holds it closed with one hand. But that warm wind blows across us, making it flutter around her, giving me peeks of that smooth skin at her hip, the soft curve of her sweet ass. A flash of full breast and soft pink nipple begging for my mouth.

My cock swells at the sight of her—my angel, my wife. We reach the top of the stairs up at the top of the little bluff, and Leanna shrieks as I suddenly scoop her up in my arms. I stride to the house, climbing the few stairs up to the porch and moving for the door. The keys I fish out of my pocket, and when the door swings wide, I growl as I step over the threshold with my bride in my arms, just like I did once before on our wedding night.

It’s not the only part about that night we’ll be repeating tonight.

I kick the door shut as we enter, and it’s barely closed before I’m whirling, growling as I push her against it and crush my mouth to hers. Leanna moans, whimpering as the dress tumbles to the ground at her feet. Her legs spread, one sliding up to my hip, and I grunt as I grab it tightly in my grip and press against her. My thick bulge grinds against her sweet, slick little cunt, and I can feel the pulsing heat of her soaking into my suit pants.

Part of me wants to pull my cock out and fuck her right here against the front door. Wouldn’t be the first time either.

But no. I’ve waited so long, I’m not just going to savage her. Not yet at least. First, I’m going to have her screaming for me. First, I’ll have this angel moaning and writhing and begging me for release. And then—then, I’ll claim her.


I scoop her up into me, her moans teasing across my lips and my tongue as her legs spread around my waist. My big hands cup that firm, tight little ass of hers, gripping her skin hard as she whimpers for me. I take the stairs to the second floor in twos, kissing her and moving on memory so I don’t crash into any walls. Down the hall, through the doorway, and then we’re back in our old bedroom, standing at the foot of our marriage bed.

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