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Tackling Tobias (Big Sky Universe)

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“My cook and ranch hand fucked on my bed to spite me, but they must have forgotten about the time because I was late coming in and they were still going at it. Then she told everyone that I couldn’t get it up. I barely spoke to the woman other than to complain that she didn’t do something I wanted around the house. She was kind of lazy. I’m betting she thinks she’s going to get a payout, but she’s missing something completely vital in her supposed claims on me.”

“What’s that?”

“That I’d had to have a past relationship with her to make her claims even remotely true. As it is, she has no chance of being pregnant by me. Although you, on the other hand, I’m hoping to impregnate.” I wag my brows at her, making her giggle. “Fuck, it’s sexy to hear you laugh like that.”

“You think almost everything I do is sexy,” she says, sliding her hands into my hair.

“Yeah, you got me there. So while you sit there being sexy as fuck, is there anything I can do for you?”

“Just hold me, and I can’t wait to start a family with you either.” She lets out a yawn. My heart stutters in my chest, happiness building double time. I tilt my head down to look at her, but my sweet woman fell asleep. Smiling, I just absorb this moment of peace.

I don’t know how long I stay like this when my eyes grow heavy and I pass out as well.

I wake up with a stiff neck, cracking it backward, I feel and see that Ava’s not with me on the sofa. Standing and giving myself another deep stretch, I walk through the house, looking for my wayward wife-to-be. I notice the sun’s gone down already as I pass the front hall.

“Ava?” I call out, hoping that nothing’s happened to her.

“I’m right here.” She comes out of the laundry room with a basket of folded clothes in a basket.

“You got up to do laundry?” This woman is something else.

“No, I got up to pee and then decided to take a hot shower since my body felt stiff. There were only a couple of towels so I figured I should get some done. We’ve been going through them pretty quickly lately.” She winks, implying our many sexual escapades leading to multiple showers a day.

“I hope you didn’t let my lazy ass sleep all night,” I grumble, thinking I’d love to take her upstairs for another shower while I wash her pussy with my tongue.

“No, the sun just set. Dinner’s almost done.”

Again, she’s always on the move. I can just imagine a house full of little ones and she’d still be running around like crazy to keep things going smoothly. “Do you need help?”

“Only to get the plates, but you can keep me company if you’d like.”

“I love spending time with you.” I take the laundry and set it by the steps before taking her hand and walking into the kitchen. I set up the plates while she takes the meatloaf out of the oven. “It smells fantastic in here.”

My phone rings while I cut the meatloaf. “Sorry, I thought I turned off the ringer.”

She reaches around and pulls it out of my back pocket, giving my ass a squeeze before checking the number. “It’s my sister,” I say, since I have her ringtone set to the Beatles Come Together.

“Here. Take this, and I’ll serve us.” She hands me my phone as I set down the knife. Bossy little thing. It’s sexy as hell.

“We’re on our way there to your house. We just arrived at the airport,” my sister says.

“You don’t have to come. We’re okay.” I know they’re worried about us after everything that’s happened.

“Well, it’s a little too late. We’re already at your airport.”

“Thanks for the heads up. We’ll put our clothes back on.”


“Whatever. We’re about to sit down to dinner. We’ll wait for you.” I end the call before she makes another smart ass remark. Plus, I have to warn Ava.

“So your sister’s coming.” I shrug.

“Yep. Luckily, the boys’ bedroom cleaned up after Connor and Greyson played in there.”

“Do the boys get along?” she asks.

“Yes and no. Brandon’s too little, so he becomes the annoying kid that hangs on them or starts crying a lot. Soon that’ll change, but Connor’s almost eight, so he’s starting to like things they don’t or outgrowing them. Greyson and Jr. are buddies. They are the same age so they’re both trouble. I see some serious snowball fights coming.”

“Sounds like fun. It’s been forever since I played in the snow. I didn’t have siblings and young ladies don’t comport themselves that way. I swear my step-mother hates me more than my father does.”

“Well, it’s their loss.”

“I’m going to put this back in the oven to keep warm and make a salad so that we have plenty of food to go around. Ooh, you know what? I can make some brown sugar carrots. That won’t take long.” She finishes up the carrots and a hearty salad with everything in it just as the gate buzzer rings.

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