Glass (Crank 2)
hindsight it probably wasn’t a great
time for me to jump back
into the arms of the monster.
Not that there is a good time
to do that, and damn it all, you
know what they say about hindsight.
I mean, when I went to Stockton,
there were no plans for Hunter’s
baptism, and a visit from my dad
was completely implausible,
especially at the exact same time
Leigh finally decided to schedule
one, after many distant months.
Throw in a bulimic lesbian
cheerleader with an aversion
to me, my dad’s latest girlfriend,
a little brother with a major crush,
parents intent on a perfect weekend,
a pending new job, and what is left
of an eight ball of incredible speed,
and just about anything can happen.
And if Bree has her warped way,
just about anything will.
It Is Late Friday Afternoon
When my dad pulls into our driveway,
no call to warn us of his imminent
arrival. Up till now, the day
has been relatively uneventful
except for a quick exchange
between Heather and me.