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Engaged for Her Enemy's Heir

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Allegra let out a huff of disbelieving laughter. ‘What I didn’t realise is how unbelievably arrogant you are.’

Rafael’s mouth firmed. ‘This isn’t about arrogance. I’m not issuing orders simply to show who’s in control.’


‘I am considering your health, Allegra, as well as that of our child.’

‘And if I refuse?’ Allegra asked. ‘What will you do?’

‘Why would you refuse? You want what is best for our baby, do you not? As do I.’

A lump formed in her throat and her eyes burned. He dared to suggest she didn’t care for their child? ‘Of course I do.’

‘Then surely rest and relaxation in a comfortable place is it? Why overtax and strain yourself when you don’t have to? Why climb six sets of stairs when you don’t have to?’ He held up a hand to stem any protests she might have made. ‘I understand that climbing the stairs might have no negative effect on your pregnancy. But what if there is the smallest chance that it did?’ He leaned forward, his eyes burning bright. ‘If you could turn back time, do things differently...’ For a second his voice choked, and Allegra had the distinct feeling he was talking about something else.

‘What would you change, Rafael?’ she asked quietly. ‘What would you do differently?’

He shook his head, the movement abrupt and dismissive. ‘It is now that matters. Now you have the chance to make the best choice for your—our—baby.’

Allegra stared at him, both transfixed and uncertain. ‘You can’t keep me in some bubble. Pregnant women are able to live normally.’

‘Two weeks is all I’m asking. Two weeks until we know what we’re dealing with, and then we can reassess. Discuss.’

Discuss what was likely to be a life-threatening condition. The unshed tears that burned behind her lids threatened to fall. Suddenly it felt like too much; her resistance had been feeble but it was all she had. She couldn’t fight any more, couldn’t stay strong and remote as she always tried to.

‘Fine.’ She sagged against the seat as the limo pulled up in front of one of the city’s most luxurious hotels. ‘You win.’ Relief and triumph flashed in Rafael’s amber eyes, and in that moment she wondered just how much she was conceding.


ALLEGRA BLINKED SLEEPILY in the early evening gloom of the hotel suite’s master bedroom. She’d fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep almost as soon as her head had touched the soft, feather down pillow, and judging by the twilight settling softly over the city sky she’d been asleep for several hours.

She stretched and then snuggled under the soft duvet, tempted to stay there for ever. When they’d arrived at the hotel suite, Rafael had been graciousness itself, insisting she take the master bedroom, ringing for some juice when she said she was thirsty, and telling her to sleep for as long as she’d liked.

When she’d crawled into the king-sized bed Allegra had realised just how exhausted she really was, and her last thought before she drifted off was that she was, in the end, glad Rafael had insisted she come here. Not that she intended on admitting as much to him.

Now, as she struggled to a sitting position with a wide yawn, she wondered what exactly she was supposed to do here. What they were supposed to do. An afternoon was one thing, but did Rafael really expect her to stay here for two weeks, kicking her heels, until the amnio results came back? And what was he going to do while she waited? How were they supposed to get along? Battling deeper unease, Allegra rose from the bed.

She treated herself to a long, lovely soak in the sunken marble tub and then dressed in her summery trousers and top before heading into the main living area of the suite in search of Rafael.

He was sitting at a desk in a study alcove off the sumptuous living room, frowning down at his laptop, but he looked up quickly as she stepped from the doorway of the bedroom.

His gaze scanned her searchingly from her damp hair curling about her face to her bare feet. ‘You slept well?’

‘Yes, very well. It’s been ages.’ It was, she’d seen as she’d dressed, nearly seven o’clock at night.

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