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Her Ride (Men of Valor MC)

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“I’m yours, Thorn, you know I am,” she whispers, her legs opening again, my hands finding her warmth. The soft fringe of her fuzz against the sleek pink of those pussy lips I crave already.

I know she’s mine, and I’m hers.

Choosing which to focus on first though. Helping her or claiming her?

It’s an easy choice.

Once I help her and her dad. Show them both and the club that this is destiny as well as justice, I know I’ll have my queen and she’ll always have her king.

“You’ll stay here from now on. We’ll figure out what to do about your dad in the morning. You’re safe now,” I tell her.

Hoping she knows just what that means from this moment forward.

“Safe with me means just that, Rose. Everything you need, it’s right here. Yours,” I confirm, feeling her nodding eventually subside, her face resting against my shoulder.

Her hands gently clawing at my chest.

She’s fallen asleep.

Rose isn’t going anywhere now, not without me and my protection. The club and I can take care of her dad and any trouble he’s in tomorrow.

Me? I’ll just be here for her once it’s all over. When she wants to give herself to me a hundred percent, I’ll be here. And it’ll be something special for both of us, I can feel it.

That ache at the front of my jeans needs relief, but I know it’s nothing compared to how I feel for her long term.

How strong my love for her is.

Love at first sight? If someone had said it yesterday I’d have laughed.

Today I’d split anyone’s lip if they doubted something so strong and so permanent could exist between me and my Rose so quickly.

I’d stake my life on it.

Before my arm goes to sleep, I lift her up, carrying her naked body to our bed, lingering for her mews and murmurs in her half-sleep when she reaches for me as I tuck her in.

I want her so bad, but I’ve staked my claim, she’s told me she’s mine.

Tonight can be about something else other than just claiming her.

She’s tired, exhausted.

And I know I can spend some time watching her sleep before anything else has to happen.

She’s sleeping, but it’s still early.

I mean, who goes to bed at eight o’clock?

Feeling my lip curl with satisfaction as I watch her, I decide, maybe she isn’t ready for that kind to sleep right now.

With the right… encouragement.

I mean, we never even ate and I know from her look she hasn’t eaten today. And I’ve got an appetite that matches the hardness in my pants.

Something that’ll need fuel for the intensity of this fire.

I sit on the edge of the bed, watching her as long as I dare, knowing if I follow my urges I’m sure to wake her before I have ready what’s next.

Hot food, and plenty of it. That’s my plan.

After tasting her on my lips, I don’t know if I’ll sleep again. Not without claiming her as my own, but it’s patience I have in me now.

She’s told me she’ll be mine.


The very thought makes me nearly dizzy as I fire up the cast iron skillet, fishing for steaks from the fridge and making light work of things we can have on the side.

But her bath? Surely a queen needs her bath. And rose petals.

My mind darts to the thick, gnarled rose bushes outback. Heavy with flowers and scent. A garden I made years ago, like the house.

Waiting for a family of my own.

Waiting for the one woman to share it with.

It can wait… ‘til morning.

My family’s been the club since building this place. But I’m sure once they get to know her, once they meet her.

Rose and Thorn can be a thing.

I just know it.

Our own family can become a part of the Men of Valor MC.

If she’ll let it happen.

If she’ll have me.

Can she give herself to me and the club?

Can I give myself to both, making one big happy family?

I guess there’s only one way to find out.

Starting by treating her like she needs to be every moment, from here on in.

I set the bath running, while the steaks sizzling in the meantime.

Whatever’s ready for her first, my queen shall have.

Both await her whenever she wakes.

And like an answer to my prayers, I find out how much she wants dinner and a bath.

Her arms hook around my waist, surprising me in the kitchen and making me turn to hold her in return.

“I’ve got so much I want for you,” I whisper in her ear. “Bath or dinner first?” I ask, pecking her sweet neck.

Fighting the urge to pick her up and carry her back to bed.

“I like both,” she answers dreamily.

The meat sizzles and pops, in time with my newfound desire for her.

I’m looking forward to dessert, too already, but she knows that can wait.

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