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Widow's Undoing (Ruthless Sinners MC 4)

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“True. Still hate you had a crummy weekend.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Sean peered out the window as he asked, “What’s Widow cooking for dinner?”

“Burgers. That okay with you?”

He smiled as he teased, “Yeah, as long as he’s the one cooking ‘em.”

When my mouth dropped open, he laughed and said, “I’m just messing with you, Mom.”

He was still laughing as he slipped out the back door and went to join Roman and Corry. I walked over to the window and watched as my boys talked with Roman. It was easy to imagine our lives together when they all looked so happy out there messing with the grill, but I wasn’t naive enough to think things would always be like this. I knew there would be hard times ahead, and even though I wasn’t sure how they would play out, I really did love Roman and I wanted to try.

The next morning, I got to the coffee shop early and was surprised to find Sydney waiting for me at the front door. Usually she was a good thirty to forty-five minutes late, so I asked, “Is your clock broken?”

“No, smartass. My clock is not broken.” She waited for me to unlock the door, then followed me inside. “I have to leave a little early today, so I decided to come on in and help you out with the morning rush.”

“Okay.” I took my purse and keys to the office, then asked, “Why do you have to head out early?”

“I’ve got a date.”

“Anyone I know?”

“No, and I don’t want to talk about it.” She started prepping the coffee machines as she explained, “I don’t want to jinx anything.”

“Oh, so you really like this guy, huh?”

“I already told you. I don’t want to talk about it, Frankie.”

“Okay. Fine. Have it your way.”

The morning rush came and went, but nothing more was said about the date. I figured if I gave her some time, she’d finally open up, but she avoided the conversation at all costs. She even wiped down all the tables and swept the floors—something she rarely ever did. Even though she’d never pay me the same respect, I gave my little sister her space, but I had every intention of calling her later to get the full scoop on what happened.

When things finally started to slow, Sydney came over and sat down at the counter in front of me. “So, how are things with you and Row-man?”

She always made a point to draw out his name, and I always made a point to ignore her when she did it. “Things are really good, actually. I think the boys really like him.”

“And what about you? Do you really like him, too?”

“I really, really do.”

“So, you think there’s a future with this guy?”

“You never know, but I hope so.” I looked over at her as I said, “I’ve never really felt like this with anyone before. Not with Marc. Not with anyone.”

“See! Aren’t you glad I pushed you to go out with him?”

“Actually, you told me I should ‘get me some of that’.”

“And you did and look what happened!” She threw her hands up in the air. “You’re in love with the bad boy biker! How cool is that!”

“You’re such a mess.”

“Yeah, I can’t help myself.” She reached over and placed her hand on mine. “I’m really happy for you, sis.”

“Thanks, Syd.”

“Be sure and tell him that I’ll cut his balls off if he hurts you.”

“Yeah, I’ll be sure and do that.”

After the lunch rush, Sydney headed home to get ready for her big date, leaving me to close the shop alone. It wasn’t a big deal. I’d done it a hundred times before, but tonight I was in a hurry. Roman and I were taking the boys out for pizza and bowling, and I didn’t want to be late. I rushed through our normal routine of cleaning the coffee pots and wiping down all the counters, then closed out the register. I went back to the office to turn off the lights and had just flipped the switch when I heard the front door chime. Damn. I’d forgotten to lock the door. I was still in the office when I shouted, “I’m sorry. We’re closed.”

No one responded, so I went out to see if anyone was there. That’s when I saw him. Marc was standing in the middle of my coffee shop. I knew the second I saw that menacing look in his eyes he’d come to make good on his threat—a threat he’d made many times over the past few years. He was going to kill me, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop him.

Chapter 19


“You won’t get away with this!” Marc spat. “I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping and assault!”

“Says the man who just beat the hell out of his ex-wife.”

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