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Awakening the Ravensdale Heiress

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Leandro came back over her to press a tender kiss to the side of her mouth. ‘Good?’

Miranda could smell her own female scent on him. Such raw intimacy shocked her and yet somehow it felt right. She looked at him in a combination of wonder and residual shyness. ‘You know it was.’

He kissed her on the lips, on the chin, on each of her eyelids and then back on her mouth. ‘It’ll get better when you feel more comfortable with me,’ he said.

You’d better not get too comfortable, a little voice piped up inside her head.

Miranda ignored it as she moved underneath the delicious weight of his body, her senses stirring all over again at the thought of him possessing her fully. She reached down to caress him, stroking his turgid length with increasing confidence, watching as he showed his pleasure at her touch on his features and in the way he gave deep, growly groans in his throat.

He pulled back from her with a sucked-in breath. ‘I’d better put on a condom.’

Miranda waited while he got one out of his wallet where it was sitting on the bedside chest-of-drawers. He sheathed himself before coming back over her, making sure she was comfortable with his weight by angling his body over hers. She stroked her hands down his back from the tops of his shoulders to the base of his spine, drawing him closer to the deep ache in her core.

He couldn’t have been gentler as he entered her but even so her breath caught at the sensation of him filling her. ‘Am I hurting you?’ he said, holding still.

She released a long, slow breath to help herself relax. ‘No...’


She smiled and stroked his lean, tanned jaw as she looked into his concerned gaze. ‘You worry too much.’

He brushed her hair back from her forehead in a tender action. ‘You’re so tiny I feel like I’m going to break you.’

Something hot and liquid spilled and flowed in Miranda’s belly. Could there be a man more in tune with a woman’s sense of vulnerability? ‘I’m tougher than I look,’ she said, reaching up to kiss him on the lips.

He deepened the kiss as he moved within her, going in stages so she could have time to adjust to his length and width. He began to move in slow, rhythmic strokes, the gentle friction tantalising her senses, driving up her need until she was making soft little noises of encouragement in case he took it upon himself to stop. Miranda felt she would die if he stopped. The craving of her body rose to fever pitch. She felt it clawing at her, frantically trying to attain assuagement. She was almost there...poised to go over the edge but frustratingly unable to let go.

Leandro reached between their bodies, used his fingers to coax her and suddenly she was there, falling, falling, falling. Coming apart in a bigger and more intense way than before. Her body contracted around his, each spasm of her orgasm taking her to new even more exciting heights of pleasure.

She felt the exact moment he let go. He gave a low, deep groan and surged, his breath coming out in a hot gust against the side of her neck as he shuddered and emptied.

Miranda held him close, her hands moving over his muscled back and shoulders, massaging him, stroking and caressing him in that rare moment of male vulnerability.

She didn’t know what to say so said nothing. Her senses were so dazed by the power of their physical connection it was impossible to articulate how she felt. She wondered why she didn’t feel ashamed. She had broken her promise to Mark but how could she regret something magical as Leandro’s love-making? He had shown her what her body was capable of feeling. He had opened up a world of pleasure she hadn’t known existed. Not like that. Not so powerfully consuming it had made her disconnect from her mind. Her body had taken over. Her primitive nature had driven her. Controlled her. Surprised her. Shocked her.

Leandro shifted his weight to his elbows to look at her. ‘Hey.’

‘Hey.’ Her voice came out husky, whisper-soft.

He stroked his fingertip in a circle over her chin, his look rueful. ‘I’ve given you beard rash.’

Miranda’s breath caught on something. ‘Just as well we’re not around anyone we know,’ she said lightly. ‘Jaz would spot it in a heartbeat. I’d never hear the end of it.’

A frown created two pleats over his dark, serious eyes. ‘You think she’d disapprove?’

Miranda recalled her conversation with her friend at Jaz’s bridal boutique. ‘No,’ she said. ‘She thinks you’ve been interested in me for a while.’

Something flickered over his face like a wind rippling across sand. He moved away from her to dispose of the condom. It was a long moment before he met her gaze. ‘I don’t want you to think this is more than it is.’

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