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Awakening the Ravensdale Heiress

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She opened the door before he pressed the buzzer. ‘Hi. I thought you were going to Geneva?’

He smiled at her. An actual smile! Not a quarter-one. Not a half-one, but a full one. It totally transformed his face. It took years off him, made him look even more heart-stoppingly gorgeous than ever. ‘I postponed the meeting,’ he said. ‘Is now a good time to talk?’

Miranda hoped Jaz wouldn’t mind her being a few minutes late. Even if he was just returning a stray pair of knickers it would be worth it to see him smile again. ‘Sure,’ she said. ‘Come in.’

He stooped as he came inside and her belly gave a card-shuffling movement as she caught the citrus notes of his aftershave. She had to restrain herself from reaching out and touching him to make sure she wasn’t imagining him there. Why was he here? He’d said he wanted to talk but that might be about how to keep the news of their ‘thing’ a secret from her family, especially with Julius’ and Holly’s wedding coming up. She didn’t dare hope for anything more.

Miranda glanced at the bag in his hand. ‘Did I leave something behind?’

He handed it to her. ‘I want you to have this.’

Miranda opened the bag to find Flopsy the rabbit inside. She took him out and held him close to her thrumming chest. ‘Why?’

‘Because I want our first baby to have him,’ Leandro said.

She blinked and then frowned, not sure she’d heard him correctly. ‘But we’re not pregnant. I told you, the tests were all negative. You don’t have to worry. It was my mistake. I worked myself up into a panic over nothing.’

He stepped closer and held her by the upper arms, a gentle, protective touch that made her flesh shiver in delight. His dark brown eyes were meltingly warm, moist with banked-up emotion. ‘I want you to marry me,’ he said. ‘I want you to have my babies. As many as you want. I love you. I don’t think it’s possible to love someone more than I love you.’

Miranda’s heart was so full of love, joy and relief, she thought it would burst. Could this really be happening? Was he really proposing to her? ‘Really?’ she said. ‘Did you really just ask me to marry you?’

‘Yes, really.’

‘What made you change your mind?’

‘When you left I kept telling myself it was for the best,’ he said. ‘I convinced myself it was better that way. I was annoyed with myself for crossing a boundary I’d always told myself I’d never cross. But when I finally worked up the courage to pack up Rosie’s room it made me realise what I was forfeiting. I think that’s why I was so shocked at seeing that pregnancy test. It was like being slammed over the head with the truth. The truth of what I really wanted all this time but wasn’t game to admit. I want to risk loving you and our children. I can’t promise to keep you and them safe, but I will do everything in my power to do so. No one can offer more than that.’

Miranda threw her arms around his neck, Flopsy getting caught up in the hug. ‘I love you,’ she said. ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else.’

Leandro kissed her tenderly before holding her slightly aloft so he could look down at her. ‘You know what’s ironic about this? That night I returned Jake’s call, I lectured him about hassling you all the time about moving on with your life. I told him all you needed was some space to sort it out for yourself. But then I realised that’s what I needed. When you left I could finally see what I was throwing away. I didn’t want to end up like my father, living alone and desperately lonely, with only liquor for comfort. He knew I would eventually get past the grief and guilt. That’s why he left me what he loved most. He knew I would reclaim my life. I want to be with you while I do it, ma petite. No one else but you.’

Miranda wrapped her arms around his waist. ‘I wonder what my brothers are going to say.’

‘I think they’ll be pleased,’ Leandro said. ‘In fact, I’m wondering if Jake’s already guessed.’

She looked up him with a twinkling smile. ‘You think?’

‘I got a bit terse with him when he asked if I’d introduced you to any hot French or Italian guys.’

‘Ah, yes, jealousy is always a clue.’ Miranda gave a little laugh. ‘Or so Jaz says. She’ll be so thrilled for us. She’s been itching to make me a wedding dress since we were kids. Now it’s going to happen for real.’

Leandro brushed an imaginary hair away from her forehead. ‘You will be the most beautiful bride. I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle towards me.’

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