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Stripped Bare (Vegas Billionaire 1)

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My world starts to spin as I look at the dealer who is putting down my card. When I see the eight, all the air suddenly leaves my body and I let out a sob that would rival someone going through massive heartache. The man on my left tries to console me, but all I can do is cover my mouth and vacate the table as quickly as possible while the dealer stacks my chips into her tray.

And just like that it’s all gone.

Pushing my way through the people who have gathered behind me, I feel my ass being pinched and my boobs grabbed. I shove bodies out of my way, but not many move willingly. Once I break free, he’s there waiting for me as I round the corner of the table.

“Get out of my way,” I seethe, making sure I put my full force behind my hands as I push on his shoulders.

Before I can get out of the casino, hands grab my arms while another set pick up my legs. I kick and scream, knowing full well that I’m making a scene, but I don’t care. I don’t give a shit that every person in the casino can see my vagina on full display. They might as well know what it looks like because most will be seeing it tonight in their VIP rooms. I have no choice but to bare all for more money.

His voice is smooth and ridiculously sexy as he commands the goons to let me go. They drop me, making sure I hit the ground hard. I’m lucky my ankle doesn’t roll or break from the force of their release. When Finn tries to help me, I yell at him not to touch me. I don’t want his help.

He straightens his jacket and reminds me that I pushed him first.

“You deserve it,” I tell him, even though he has no idea why.

“How are you?” he asks, but I roll my eyes and bite the insides of my cheeks. He doesn’t need to know shit about me.

“What do you care?”

Finn shrugs as if this . . . as if I’m a waste of his time. “I always care when I see someone from my hometown in my hotel, losing thousands of dollars.”

What’s left of my heart and pride hits the ground and shatters. Of course, he owns the one casino I finally decide to venture into. I can’t help the tears that drip down my face, ruining my makeup. To him I must look like a clown right now. One simple act of desperation . . . no, it hasn’t been one, it’s many over the years, but this one takes the cake. This one is the mother lode. I was stupid to think I could double, even triple my money because a boyfriend of my mother’s taught me the game. This is fucking Vegas, you either win or you lose and I’ve lost it all and whatever dignity I had left is now gone.

“It was nice seeing you, Finn, but I have to go.”

He reaches for my hand, halting my steps.

“Let me help you.” His voice is soft and for a minute I think about it until I realize what that could mean.

“Excuse me? What makes you think I need your help?”

His eyes roam over my body and he smirks. I don’t even need his words to know what he’s thinking.

“I have a proposition for you,” he blurts out before I can tell him to fuck off.

I stand tall, but even in my five-inch heels I don’t reach his height. I try to square off against him, but I know I’m not scaring him. He tilts his head to the left, waiting for me to say something, and all I’m doing is thinking about kicking him in the nuts. Seeing him bent over and in pain would be a satisfying way to end this epic moment. Instead, I walk away as fast as I can.



The second floor of Allure, where our offices are located, has a panoramic view of the main level, enabling me to see everything that happens in the casino, hotel check-in and who is waiting in line for which restaurant. I have people employed simply to stand at the windows and watch. They more or less take notes on which machines are being played and what people are doing. What started out as a security precaution quickly turned into a way for me to make more money. This also affords me the ability to know which of my employees are exceeding job expectations and which aren’t. The casino business is cutthroat and the minute I let my guard down I’m going to get burned. There are many in town who would like to see me fail.

This isn’t my only hotel and casino, but it is my first and it’s where I do most of my business. The setup at Fick’s is the same, but the focus is on people who want to come to Vegas and have fun and do it cheaply. Rates at Fick’s are affordable and that means it’s always booked, whereas with Allure, it’s the best of everything.

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