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Ravensdale's Defiant Captive

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He tipped up her chin with the tip of his finger. ‘What am I going to do with you, Holly Perez?’

Holly looked into his sapphire-blue gaze. ‘You could start by kissing me.’

He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. ‘Then what?’

She tilted her head as if thinking about it. ‘You could put your hand on my breast.’

He cupped her breast through her clothes, his eyes glinting. ‘And then what?’

She moved closer, letting her breath mingle with his as she slipped her hands around his neck. ‘Figure it out,’ she said, and his mouth came down and sealed hers.


A FEW DAYS later Holly watched as Julius slept. He was a quiet sleeper, not restless and fidgety like her. She could have watched him for hours, memorising his features, storing them in her mind for the time when she would be gone from his life. She had been playing a game of pretend with herself over the past few days, a silly little game where she wouldn’t have to leave at the end of the time she had left.

She had even been so foolish as to picture her and Julius building a life together. Having a family together. Building a future together. Things she had never allowed herself to dream of before. She hadn’t even realised she wanted those things until now. Every day she spent in his company she found herself wanting him more. Not just physically, although that had only got better and better. It was more of an intellectual connection, one she had never felt with anyone else. He inspired her, excited her, and challenged her.

Holly traced one of his eyebrows with her fingertip. ‘Are you awake?’


She smiled and traced the other eyebrow. That was the other thing she liked about him—he had a sense of humour underneath all that gruff starchiness. ‘Are you dreaming?’ she said.

‘Yes, of this hot girl who’s in my bed touching me with her clever little hands.’

Holly reached down and stroked his swollen length. ‘Like this?’

‘Mmm, just like that.’

‘And in this dream did that same girl slide down your body like this?’ She moved down his body, letting her breasts touch him from chest to groin.

‘That’s it,’ he said in a low growl. ‘I never want to wake up.’

She sent her tongue down the length of his shaft, then swirled it over the head and around the sensitive glans.

‘Condom, querida.’

‘I want to taste you.’

He muttered an expletive as she opened her mouth over him, drawing on him until he was breathing heavily. ‘You don’t have to...’

‘I want to,’ Holly said. ‘You do it to me. Why shouldn’t I do it to you?’

‘I’ve never had someone do it in the raw before.’

‘Lucky me to be the first.’

He frowned for a moment but it soon disappeared as Holly got to business. She watched him as she drew on him, her own excitement building as she saw the effect she was having on him. He pulled out just as he spilled, the erotic pumping of his essence thrilling her in a way she hadn’t expected.

He threaded his fingers through her hair in long, soothing strokes that made her scalp tingle in delight. ‘Holly...’

She looked up from where she had been resting her cheek against his stomach. ‘What?’

He had one of his deep-in-thought frowns on his forehead. After a moment the frown relaxed as he smiled faintly. ‘Just... Holly.’

She stroked his stubbly jaw. ‘Not getting all sentimental on me, are you?’

The frown was back. ‘What do you mean?’

Holly propped herself on one elbow as she trailed her fingers up and down his chest. ‘This is just for now. Us, I mean. I’m going to England once I’m done here.’

He pushed her hand away and got off the bed. ‘I know you are. I’m glad you are. It’s the right thing to do.’ He pulled on a bathrobe and tied the belt, his expression shuttered.

‘You don’t sound very happy about it.’

He threw her an irritated look. ‘Why wouldn’t I be happy about it?’

She gave a shrug. ‘Thought you might miss me.’

‘I will but that doesn’t mean I want you to stay.’

Holly sat up and pulled her knees into her chest. ‘I wouldn’t stay if you asked me.’

‘I’m not going to ask you.’

‘Fine. Glad we got that settled.’

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