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Fake Fiancee (For Now) (Big Men of Blue Mountain 1)

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“Nice to meet you, Diana,” Leo’s father says. “Now that we know that you actually exist.”

I smile over at my fake fiancé. “I told him to tell you earlier, but he’s stubborn. And it was his choice.”

He pulls me in quickly for a kiss on my lips and my stomach does a little flip. “You did tell me,” he says with a smile. “I just wanted to keep you all to myself for a while.”

“Can I get you guys anything?” I ask his parents. “Coffee?”

“That’s all right,” Helen says. “We just wanted to say hello.”

“I’ll walk you over to your cabin,” Leo says as I head to the kitchen. I actually do want a cup of coffee. After all that, I need it.

I’m taking a mug out of a cabinet when Helen’s voice falls over the room. “Where’s your ring?”

Behind me, I can almost sense that Leo has gone still. Probably panicking that he forgot about a ring. “Oh, it’s still being sized. But it’s beautiful. Your son has excellent taste.”

I glance at Leo, and there’s such naked thankfulness on his face that my chest hurts. This means so much to him. Helen is still staring at me, and the silence is a little awkward, but it seems like she accepts the reason.

“We’ll get settled in then,” Charles says, “and get to know you better later.”

I smile. “Sounds perfect.”

They head toward the front door.

Leo steps close and kisses me again. My heart pounds because I love the casual way that he touches me. It feels so natural and so real that I wish it weren’t pretend. Someone who takes the time to touch me just because they can is what I’ve always wanted. “I’ll be back soon.” Then, softer. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” I whisper. “I’m going to take a shower now so that next time I see your parents, I don’t have the remnants of your tongue on my ass.”

Leo chuckles and kisses me on the forehead—even though his parents are now out of sight—and heads out. I’m left standing in the kitchen with butterflies in my stomach wondering where and how something shifted, and just how much this is going to hurt when it’s over.



I lead my parents across the grounds to the guest cabin that they’ll be staying in, my heart still pounding. I didn’t think they’d be here so soon, but at the same time it’s not exactly surprising. Once my parents decide on something, they move on it.

“Well,” my mom says, “I’m very impressed so far, Leo. I still don’t understand why you kept your relationship from us for so long.”

I’m just going to side-step that one. Too dangerous and too much risk. I feel guilty for the lie, but it was the only way to get them to listen. “I’m glad you finally got to meet her.”

“This is nice,” my father says as we arrive at the guest cabin. “It’s very established.”

“We’re doing very well.” I choose to pointedly ignore the jab about the business. Him saying that it looks established means that he thought that it wasn’t. “Well enough that we hope to have new cabins built and expand our attractions in the next two years.”

He looks surprised, and I hold the smugness off my face.

“Will we see you for dinner?”

“Of course,” I say. “How about you come back to my house and I’ll cook for you guys.”


I smile instead of sigh and force a laugh. “Yes, I’ve managed to feed myself for however long I’ve been living on my own.”

She smiles, realizing her mistake. “Sorry, dear. I just don’t think about you cooking much.” Leaning up, she kisses my cheek. “What time would you like us to come over?”

I look at my phone. It’s mid-afternoon. “Seven?”


“I’ll let you get settled then.” It’s easy to make my escape, and as soon as I do, I feel like I can breathe again. Nothing like waiting until your thirties to almost get caught having sex by your parents.

I’m dreading walking back into the house to Diana. That definitely wasn’t what she signed up for. But when I enter the living room, she’s sitting on the couch with wet hair and fresh clothes, still drinking her cup of coffee and reading something on her phone.

“God, I am so sorry. That’s not exactly how I imagined the first meeting would go.”

Diana smiles. “Honestly, it’s probably better. Didn’t give you a chance to overthink it or make mistakes. Just instinct. But I guess you have to get me a ring now, huh?”

“Right,” I say. “Thank you for that. Quick thinking. And I’m sorry that we were so abruptly interrupted.”

Her eyes drop down my body slowly, perusing me like she’s remembering me without clothes. I like that look. That’s a look that leads to things. “Don’t worry,” Di says in a suspiciously innocent tone. “I’m sure that there will be more of that later.”

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