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Fake Fiancee (For Now) (Big Men of Blue Mountain 1)

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These last six months have been a glorious mess of love and sex as we merged our lives together. Our chemistry hasn’t disappeared. I bite his lip, nipping at him in the way I know makes him go crazy. Brings out his animal side, and he makes a low sound in his throat.

“I didn’t bring condoms with me.”

He’s looking down at me, and I return his stare. “I don’t care.”

Leo’s eyebrows raise. “You’re ready for that?”

I smirk. “Maybe the place we almost died will help us create new life.”

He yanks his shirt over his head and tosses it aside. “I like calling you my fiancée,” he says as he runs his hands down the front of my shirt, slowly undoing some of the buttons one by one. “But I’m going to like calling you my wife even more.”

I shudder. “I like that too.”

Leo hooks his fingers in my jeans and strips them from my legs. The lacy thong I wore just in case, doesn’t go so quickly. Lacy, delicate things are his favorite. Specifically, he likes ripping them off me before he fucks me senseless.

This time, he doesn’t rip them. He pushes my legs apart and licks them, teasing me through the lace. “Fuck, Leo.”

“You didn’t think I could propose to you without tasting my favorite thing, did you?” he asks, reflecting my words back at me.

Blood rushes to my face. Even after six months, he still has the ability to make me blush. Which I do, every time he tells me how much he likes the way I taste.

Spreading the lace tight over my clit, Leo sucks me through it, using his tongue to create friction with the fabric. Fuck that’s good.

The air is colder as the night grows deeper, and the heat of the fire warms me along with Leo’s tongue. The contrast in temperature just makes everything sharper, and I’m starting to shake.

Leo has spent hours between my legs, declaring that he wants to memorize every inch of my pussy, and he has. He knows exactly what to do to have me gasping, and he knows how to torture me, keeping me on edge for as long as he decides.

Finally drawing my thong to the side, Leo slides his tongue deep. I reach down and shove my fingers into his hair, holding him there. He licks inside me, and I moan. I love the feeling of this. Every time.

Tonight it feels even more intimate. This man is going to be my husband. Forever. The thought of it nearly makes me come right then, but I don’t want to. “I need you inside me,” I manage to say, and Leo pulls back, mouth shining with my wetness. Locking eyes, he licks me one more time before pulling my thong away from my skin with his teeth.

Once they're free, he inhales them, causing me to blush again. “You wore these for me?”

“Just in case you were planning something, I figured there was a chance for sex.”

Leo laughs, crawling up my body. “You say ‘a chance for sex’ as if you’re not having it regularly. If you’re not satisfied, I’m going to have to work harder.”

“I always want you hard.”

His mouth falls to my neck. “Fuck, I love you.”

“You’re about to love me more,” I whisper. “It’s a matching set.”

He sits up, straddling my hips, and rips open what’s left of my buttons. They go flying into the darkness and I couldn’t care less. The way he’s staring at the barely-there black lace. The cups are small and my breasts are spilling out of it—just the way he likes.

The light of the fire flickers over his chest, and I wish I could take a picture. I memorize the way shadows trace over his muscles and the way the fire makes his lust that much more intense.

Slowly, Leo unbuckles his belt. “My husband is so fucking hot,” I say. “And I don’t care that we’re not married yet.”

He shifts so he can get out of his jeans before coming back to me and sliding into me in one smooth motion. “I will take you to the courthouse tomorrow if you keep calling me that.”


He groans, thrusting deeper, and I have to close my eyes. Leo has mastered my body, angling himself so he’s hitting that spot deep inside me that sets the world on fire. Now that he’s bare, it’s all brand new friction that yanks me to the edge.

“Husband.” The word spurs him on, moving faster and harder. He braces himself above me and fucks. Hard and deep, not stopping. Pleasure twists through my core, coming from deep inside and building. It spreads until I can feel it in my toes and I’m so close and so far, just existing in this storm of pleasure.

I’m beyond speech, frozen, arching upwards off the ground. My body is gathering pleasure like a lightning rod, and when Leo grinds his hips down onto my clit, we explode together.

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