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Stealing His Princess

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Zero nods.

“Perfect.” I roll up my sleeves. “Let’s get to work. I want to plant a spy here.”

“Do you think that they’re planning something against you?” Parker asks in an offended tone.

“Maybe? Let’s be on the alert.” I draw Zero aside. “Do I have any reason to be concerned?”

His face turns to stone. “No, sir.”

“Okay. I mean, there’s nothing wrong in admitting you’ve encountered an enemy that poses a threat to you. After all, it took less than a week for Aidon to fall into the hands of Vieth.” I clasp Zero’s shoulder. “If you need to go, there’s no shame in that. After all, that’s what these Vieth Orphans are trained to do. Bring men to their knees.”

Chapter Four


“I can’t breathe.” It’s bad enough the contraption she has me wearing to try on these dresses is trying to suck the life out of me. Never mind how fitted the dresses are on top of that.

“That’s the point,” Jewels says through laughter. I don’t know how they wear this stuff all the time. They make it look easy.

“There is no way I’m going to be able to wear this all night.” Jewels huffs out a breath but unzips me. The relief is instant. “I think this is a sign that I shouldn't go.”

“You’re going.” Paulina jumps in, grabbing another dress for me to try on. This one is covered in diamonds at the top, the bottom flaring out all the way to the ground. I might be able to get away with not wearing heels in this one. It’s a stunning yellow that reminds me of summer.

I let the other dress drop to the floor, taking the next one. The problem is I’m a little thicker than the rest of the girls. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to fit into anything of theirs. No matter how much they try to stuff me into one of them. I step into the dress, pulling it up. I have to give a small wiggle to get it over my hips.

“Wow,” both Jewels and Paulina say at the same time.

“That looks good against your skin. You’re glowing,” Paulina says.

“Some girls have all the luck. That’s not even a spray tan, and she never goes outside. How is she so golden?” Jewels pretends to be annoyed. I really think she’s trying to make me feel good about this. Besides, I don’t know what she’s talking about. Jewels is a knockout. She is the one that has all the luck.

Paulina zips the back up for me, and I’m happy to report that I can still breathe. I turn to look in the full-length mirror at myself. I do look like I’m glowing. I spin around, making the dress flare out for a moment. I don’t think I’ve ever looked this beautiful before.

“I feel like a princess.” I’m actually getting excited about the ball now. I move my hips, letting the dress sway back and forth. I think I might even look sexy.

“We’re queens, girl.” Paulina bumps her shoulder with mine. “So we have a winner.” She unzips me so I can step out of the dress, and hangs it back up. “We’re also going to do your hair and makeup. You’re going to look killer. So your little ass better be here this afternoon.”

“Going to be lots of hot men there tonight.” Jewels wiggles her eyebrows at me. I shake my head. I think Jewels forgets there is also going to be a ton of stunning women there tonight as well. I pull on my sweater and yoga pants before putting my shoes on.

As much as I love everyone here, I don’t think I’d want to be with a man from this world. All the bloodshed and tears. The constant worry and the fear of losing them. I already lost my parents. That was hard enough on me.

“I’ll be back later.” I slip out of Jewels’ bedroom, heading toward the kitchen. All of us came to the hotel to stay for a few nights. The place is breathtaking. It reminds me of a castle. It’s a touch outdated, but it’s full of history, I’m sure. I’ve never been here before. My office and spare room are at the warehouse. I don't get out much except when I go stay at my condo, which is boring. I hate being all alone.

I round the corner, trying to find the kitchen. I pause when I hear laughter. I know that laugh. It’s Cora. I spin around, following the sound. I peek into the dining room area to see Cora, Aidon, and Karin there. They are also with a few other people I’ve never seen before.

My eyes land on the man in the suit. I can’t seem to stop looking at him. He doesn’t glance my way at first. He continues sitting there as I take him in. He’s handsome. He might actually be too handsome, if that is a thing. He looks familiar, but I can’t place him. I’m usually good with names and faces. He starts to turn his head my way, but I’m jerked back before he can see me.

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