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The Bossy Prince - Rugged and Royal

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His grip on my neck loosens ever so slightly, making me hope he’s taking my words to heart.

“But if I go with you…” I say, dangling the only carrot I have left. “If you take me as leverage to ensure Nick throws the authorities off your scent, you’ll have a chance. Not a great chance, but if you move your operation to a country where you can lay low and the government is open to bribes from a man with cash to throw around, you might at least stay out of prison.”

Stefano grunts. “What assurance do I have that Nick plays nice?”

“She’s family. I love her,” Nick says with a sincerity that breaks my heart. I hope he’s lying—it’ll make it so much easier for him to watch me walk away with a monster—but I don’t think he is.

I think he feels the way I do—that we have the potential to be something really special and important to each other.

Or that we had that potential.

If I leave here with Stefano, the odds that I’ll live to see Nick again are slim to none. Stefano will keep me around only as long as I’m useful. Once he’s found a hole to hide in, he’ll do away with a former spy with intimate knowledge of his whereabouts.

And I’m not as famous as Nick. My disappearance won’t make nearly as many waves, especially if Stefano ensures my body is never found.

Tears pricking at the backs of my eyes, I pull in a shaky breath. I want to tell Nick that I love him, too, and beg him to find a way to make my disappearance as easy as possible for Sabrina and Lizzy.

But before I can speak, Nick says, “And that’s why she’s staying here. I’ll go with you. I extend vacations and take last-minute trips all the time. As long as I check in occasionally, my family won’t suspect something is wrong for weeks, maybe months. Plenty of time to get resettled in the crime-friendly country of your choosing.”

“And the people you work for?” Stefano presses. “Blaire could always spin a good story, but will this one do what she’s told? She doesn’t seem too user friendly.”

I scowl. “First, I’m right here. You don’t have to ask Nick what I’ll do. Second, you literally know nothing about me. Before today, we’ve talked…what? A total of five, ten minutes, tops?”

“You fight dirty,” Stefano says.

“I fight to win.”

“You fight like you came up on the streets,” he insists.

“Boarding school. Way worse than the streets. Cutthroat competition for status and resources and no grown-ups around from nine at night to six in the morning.”

I’m determined to keep him talking.

Keep him distracted.

Nick is up to something with that hand behind his back. He hasn’t telegraphed anything with his expression, but my gut swears that whatever he’s doing will be good for us if I can buy him some time.

“But you’re right,” I add, “I doubt I could pull it off. I’d try, but I’m not as good at lying as Nick is. He should stay, and I’ll go with you. That makes more sense if we’re spotted, anyway. Beatrice and I are cousins. We’ll just say I’m along to keep her company while you’re working.”

Nick starts to interrupt, but I shush him.

“Stop. You know I’m right,” I insist. “What excuse would you have for tagging along with Stefano and Beatrice while they flee Europe? Are you her side piece? His? It’s weird and will attract attention.”

“Men and women can be friends, Zan,” Nick says with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Just friends.”

“No, they can’t. Can they, Stefano?”

“Not in my experience, no,” Stefano replies, pulling me tighter against him. “And we’re out of time for debate. Alexandra will come with me. You and Blaire will return to the resort, and you’ll do what she tells you to do, Nickolas. If you step so much as a millimeter out of line, I’ll kill Alexandra and send her teeth and fingernails to you through the royal post. Are we clear?”

Nick’s jaw clenches tight. “Clear. But I have one more question. Do you really care about Beatrice? Or was that all an act? Call me crazy, but I was buying the true love bit. And I used to think I was a good judge of that kind of thing.”

“I adore Beatrice,” Stefano says, his fingers loosening on my throat again. “And she feels the same. We’ll get through this and be as happy as we were before. And once I’m King of Ninway, I’m sure I’ll be able to reach a deal with Union Ten, assuming they want my country’s continued support of their efforts.”

Nick arches a brow. “I think you’re wrong, friend, about Union Ten. And about Beatrice, if that gun she’s got aimed at your back is any indication.” His gaze shifts to a spot over Stefano’s shoulder.

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