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The Bossy Prince - Rugged and Royal

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Sabrina shrugs, stacking three boxes on top of each other before gathering them in her arms. “I don’t know. She’s been very shady about whether they’re having a boy or a girl, and seriously, her stomach is just—”

“Obscene,” I supply, earning a snort from my sister.

“I was going to say terrifying, but that works.” She drops her voice to a whisper as we start back across the room. “If she has triplets naturally, without any sort of fertility treatment involved, I’m not sure Andrew will ever get me off birth control. That sort of thing runs in families, you know. And yes, I want children someday, but the thought of being that full of babies…”

I shudder. “I don’t even want to imagine,” I say, watching Lizzy coo over another tiny sleeper, this one covered in red ladybugs wearing bowler hats. “But she seems happy. When she’s not crying.”

Sabrina smiles. “Aw, she’s happy then, too. They’re happy tears. She’s going to be such a wonderful mother.”

“She is,” I agree, following Bree through the crowd to deliver the presents and sweep away the discarded wrapping paper.

After the gifts, while the rest of the party settles in to gossip about babies, I steal two of the leftover cupcakes and slip upstairs. I try Nick’s study first—empty, save for the lingering scent of his cologne, a sweet and smoky scent I draw deep into my lungs before padding down the hall.

Glancing both ways to be sure I won’t get caught sneaking into my brother-in-law’s bedroom, I tap light knuckles on the door.

“Just a second,” he calls from within, making my pulse skip through my veins.

A beat later, the door opens, revealing Nick fresh from the shower, wearing nothing but a thick towel wrapped low around his waist and the steam rising from his skin.

Instantly, my mouth begins to water.

I lift my offering between us. “I brought you a treat.”

His gaze darkens as it meets mine. “Cupcakes? That’s very sweet of you.”

“I wasn’t talking about the cupcakes.” I step inside, setting the plate on the table beside the door before hurling myself at his gorgeous, nearly naked self.

He gathers me up in one arm with a growl, kissing me hard as he shuts the door with the other. “Yes, please. You’re sweeter than any dessert.”

“And fewer calories,” I murmur against his lips, summoning a laugh from low in his throat.

“Should I be worried about calories, do you think?” He takes my hand, guiding it to his bare chest.

I skim my fingers over his rounded pecs down to the rippling, fat-free abdominal muscles he’s flexing for me and tut. “Show-off.”

“I am not. Just confident, that’s all.”

“Arrogant,” I counter.

“You’re saying you think I have a big head?”

Humming beneath my breath, I let my hand trail lower, over the ridge of the towel to where he is, indeed, huge. And hard. And every bit as eager for this as I am.

I bite my lip, my next words emerging as a husky purr. “Yes, you do. And I want to lick it.”

He growls again, hugging me tight enough to lift my feet off the floor before whispering in my ear, “You are sexy as hell.”

“Ditto.” I wrap my legs around his waist as he cups my ass in his hands. “Take me to bed?”

“There’s literally nowhere on earth I’d rather be.”

In an instant, we’re across the room, tumbling together onto his thick feather mattress, sending throw pillows flying as I whip off his towel, and he expertly disposes of my clothes. Buttons and zippers seem to melt beneath his fingers, and I swear the clasps on my bra are so eager to please they unhook themselves.

And so am I.

I can’t remember the last time I wanted to pleasure a man more, in fact.

For a moment, a cold flash of anxiety rushes across my skin, making me shiver as Nick draws my panties down my thighs to my ankles. Memories of my ex and his “fucking a polar ice cap” comments lurch through my head, stealing the heat from my blood.

Nick looks up, arching a brow. “Too fast?”

I shake my head. “No. I just…” I prop up on my elbows, holding his electric gaze as I confess. “I really want to blow your mind.”

His dimples pop as he tosses my panties over his shoulder. “Already blown, woman. No worries there.”

I shake my head. “No. Really. I want you to tell me what you want. Exactly how you like it.”

Sobering, Nick rises, lengthening himself on top of me. I lie back on the soft sheets, my heart slamming in my chest as he braces himself on his arms and pins me with a penetrating look. “You are what I want, Alexandra. Just you. No bells or whistles or tricks you’ve used on other men. I just want you here with me. Kissing me. Touching me. Letting me prove how much I adore you with lots and lots of orgasms.”

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