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Reaper's Salvation (Road to Salvation A Last Rider's Trilogy 3)

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Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

“But you’re not,” Viper stated the obvious.

“Not yet, and the FBI and the owner of the island won’t know we aren’t.”

“How are you going to accomplish that? The FBI will want proof.”

“I’ll have proof. It will be legal,” he stated determinedly. He wasn’t going to let Ginny go into danger without him.

“How …?” Viper started to ask.

“A judge in Ohio isn’t above using his power when his wife needs a new car. Let’s find out what a brand-new Porsche can get out of him.”

Chapter Three

A car pulled into the driveway as Gavin gave Knox the name of the officer who had pulled him and Ginny over on their way back to Treepoint.

“Ask him the name of the judge he was talking about, then get the judge’s cooperation.”

“You’re wanting me to bribe an officer of a court?” Knox asked.

“Yes. If you have a problem, then—”

“I don’t have a fucking problem with it.” Knox stared at him in anger. “I just want to know how high to go if the Porsche isn’t enough.”

“Just get it done. I don’t give a fuck about the cost. I want the marriage certificate in my hands before Train and I take off. Make sure it’s backdated to the day the officer pulled me over.”

“It’s going to take some time. Do you know how many people we’re talking about—”

“I don’t care how it gets fucking done.” Reaper gave Knox an icy glare to get him moving as Viper and Rider shifted closer to him. When he gave an order, Reaper only gave it once. The brothers knew what would happen if Reaper had to repeat it a second time. Knox took off, passing the occupants from the car walking toward him as well as the Last Riders.

“This is all your fault.”

Reaper flinched at T.A.’s emotionless voice. The tears and fear she’d shown at the courthouse were gone, now replaced with an eerie calm he knew wasn’t normal. Reaper became even more worried for Ginny. T.A. was in shock, as if fear had overtaken her, and her mind was blanketing her from the terror she was experiencing.

“Matthew, get T.A. a chair,” Reaper directed, concerned for the visibly shaken woman. “Silas, get her something hot to drink.”

The Last Riders remained at a distance while making an aisle between them for T.A. to walk through. Dalton, however, stopped her within six feet of him.

Sex Piston, close by T.A.’s side, drilled him in place with her accusing and furious eyes. While T.A. looked numb, Sex Piston looked like a volcano ready to erupt.

“I know I’m responsible,” Reaper said before Sex Piston could let her anger loose. “Ginny must have come to an arrangement with the FBI and got them to rescind their offer of witness protection to Slate and to remove the roadblock for PharmFYOU to start testing. Arin and I have been trying to get their help to find her technician…not one fucking word from them until today. Reaper let out an angry huff of air. “Ginny fucking did this for me. By her taking off to Clindale and the FBI excusing the Last Riders of any wrongdoing, she is sacrificing herself in exchange. What I don’t fucking understand is how she knew what shit was going down.”

“I told her,” T.A. confessed. “She wanted to know how you were doing when you went back to the club house.”

T.A. burrowed her head in Dalton’s shoulder, her whole body shaking. Matthew brought back a wooden chair for her sit on, while Silas was still inside the house presumably getting her something to drink.

Reaper felt helpless watching Dalton help T.A.; he whispered in her ear, “I know you hate me, but I swear to you, I will get Ginny back.”

T.A. shook her head at him. “You don’t even know who you’re dealing with.”

Reaper ran a hand through his thick hair in frustration. “To tell you the fucking truth, you’re not the only one who’s in shock. I have no fucking clue of any of this shit, but we’re no help to her if we don’t hold it together.” Reaper wasn’t going to blow smoke up her ass. “I’m behind the eight ball here, and I really hate to sound like a dick, but T.A., I need you to quit thinking like Ginny is already dead and tell me exactly why the FBI was willing to make a deal with her.”

T.A. gave a shuddering breath, taking the mug that Silas handed to her before he moved out of sight.

Reaper recognized Silas’ behavior and wanted to ask what he was doing, but right now, he had to focus on T.A. and the information she knew. There was little time, but going into a mission blind could be deadly for Ginny.

“My parents used to work for various charities to develop clean water systems and build schools in underdeveloped countries.” T.A’s gaze looked as though she had gone back to another place and time.

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