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Ride Hard (Raven Riders 1)

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Which was when the idea came to her.

Gratitude. It was just one of the emotions she felt for Dare, and it was one he felt toward someone, too. His brother. Kyle.

So what about . . . Kylie?

Goose bumps broke out over her skin.

Dare had described him as tough, funny, generous, charming, loyal, and protective. Haven could do a whole lot worse than to name herself after someone like Kyle. And, in a way, she’d always carry a piece of Dare with her. That was kind of nice, too. And it wasn’t like she had a family of her own to memorialize in any way.

She wrote the name down on the page.


The more she thought about it, the more she liked it. It was young and fun, and sounded like it should belong to a woman who hadn’t a care in the world. Haven would like to be those things, too.

She wrote it down again. Bigger this time.


“I’m done,” Haven said, certainty easing a little of that tender discomfort in her chest.

“How can you be done already?” Cora asked, leaning over.

Haven showed her the page.

“Kylie.” Cora pressed her lips together as if considering, and then finally nodded. “That’s cute. That’s really cute. Like you. Totally fits.” An eyebrow arched at her. “How’d you come up with something so perfect so fast?”

“It just came to me,” Haven said. “And it feels right. Let’s see your list. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking it’s time to ditch the old-lady name,” Cora said, staring at her paper.

“What, Cora? I’ve always loved your name. Pretty but tough. Like you.” Haven shifted to sit closer.

Cora rolled her eyes. “What do you think?”

Scanning the list of names—Jessie, Tessa, Eve, Quinn, Nina, Cassidy, Alex/Alexandra, Kara—Haven tried to imagine using each one for Cora for the rest of their lives.

“I was trying to go for tougher names,” Cora said with a shrug. “Names for a girl no one would push around.”

The words drew Haven’s gaze from the page. For a moment, she would’ve sworn that a troubled look shadowed Cora’s eyes. “Are you worried about what’s going to happen to us?”

With one blink, Cora’s expression changed, and she smiled. “No, I’m not. It’s gonna be good. I know it.”

Haven nodded, taking strength from Cora like she always did. “I really like Quinn and Cassidy, though they’re all really cool.”

Cora quietly repeated the names to herself a few times. “You know what? I’m going with Cassidy. A Cassidy would be tough, fun, and sassy. That chick would know how to get shit done. Plus Cass is kinda cute.”

“It really is. And I think you’re totally right.” Haven held out her hand. “Well, hi there. I’m Kylie.”

Laughing, Cora played along and shook hands. “Hi, Kylie. I’m Cassidy, but everyone calls me Cass. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” Haven said, feeling lighter with the decision made—for both of them. “I think you and I are going to be good friends.”

Cora winked. “The best. Now, let’s go find Mr. Tall, Goth, and a Little Creepy and tell him who the hell we are.”


“Hey, Bunny? You in here?” came a male voice from the kitchen doorway.

Haven looked up from where she and Cora were cutting a big tray of warm corn bread for dinner to see a Raven she wasn’t sure she’d met before standing there with two boys. “Uh, hi,” she said. “Bunny left a little while ago. Rodeo is sick, and she had to go get his prescription.”

“Shit,” the man said under his breath. With shoulder-length light brown hair, light hazel eyes, and a killer square jaw, the guy might’ve been handsome if those eyes didn’t look so utterly lifeless. And Haven thought she carried the weight of the world.

“That’s a quarter for the cuss jar, Dad,” the younger boy said, peering up at his father. Haven guessed he was maybe six or seven.

The man tousled the boy’s hair. “Sorry,” he said with a long sigh.

“Maybe we can help you? I’m Haven and this is Cora,” she said, a shot of nerves zinging through her belly at inserting herself where she hadn’t been invited. But the guy looked at his wit’s end. She finally noticed a name on his denim vest—Slider.

He dragged a hand through his hair. “I need a babysitter,” he said, looking from Haven to Cora. “I’m on call overnight and I have a tow I need to do as soon as I can. My regular lady’s not available, and Bunny sometimes helps me—”

“Dad,” the older one said, “we can just ride along with you.” Probably about ten, there was no denying that this boy was Slider’s son, because he was his father’s mirror image.

“Not on a school night, Sam. Besides, you know the company doesn’t like that.” Slider pulled out his cell.

“Oh, well,” Haven said, looking at her friend, who gave a nod. “Do you want to leave them with us? Whoever is around will be having dinner soon, and then the boys can hang out until you come back.”

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