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Ride Rough (Raven Riders 2)

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“I’ll let everyone know what’s going on,” Phoenix said, pulling out his phone. “But I want to come, too.”

“No, Phoenix. We can’t have people losing their shit and possibly making things worse,” Maverick said. Because the last thing they needed was more men behind bars. Phoenix gave a tight nod.

“I want to come,” Haven said.

“No,” Maverick said, feeling bad for her but resolved. “Dare won’t want you anywhere near the place. I can guarantee it.”


“Haven, if he even thinks you’re there, it’ll make him feel worse,” he said, forcing his voice to gentle. “The best thing you can do ’til we get him home is stay here and stay safe.”

“We don’t know what else might be coming at us,” Caine added. Mav nodded.

“Damnit, okay,” she said, her voice cracking. “I just . . . if you get to see him . . .”

“He knows,” Maverick said, remembering his cousin’s words about how close they’d gotten. No doubt Dare was already going out of his mind worrying about how Haven would handle this situation.

“I’m so sorry,” Alexa said, shaking fingers pressed to her lips. “This is my fault.”

“No, it’s not,” Haven said at the same time that Maverick said, “No, it’s fucking not.”

“But Grant did this to get back at me,” she said, her hazel eyes a little wild.

Maverick got right in her face. He couldn’t tolerate her feeling one more ounce of guilt for what her bastard sleazeball of an ex had done. “That’s right. Slater did this. Not you. And he did it to get back at us for showing up at the restaurant. I’d put money on it.”

“That’s what my gut says, too,” Caine said. “Look, I’m gonna get down to the station now.”

“I’m ready, too,” Mav said, nailing Alexa with a stare. “Stay strong for me.”

A quick nod. “I will.”

“We’ll take care of each other,” Haven said. “Go. Don’t worry about us.”

Mav kissed Alexa’s forehead and made for his bike.

“I’ll get things organized,” Phoenix called, his cell pressed to his ear.

Waving, Mav mounted the NRS and brought it to life on a roar. He gave Alexa a look and she nodded. And then he took off.

Way he felt, he was ready to take on the whole goddamned world if he had to, so he’d handle Slater in a fucking heartbeat. One way or the other.


Stunned didn’t begin to describe how Alexa felt. Shocked. Horrified. Those got a little closer. “I’m so sorry,” she said again as she watched Maverick tear out of the parking lot like a demon made of flesh and steel.

“Hey,” Haven said, tugging her hand. “Maverick was right. What your ex has done isn’t your fault. In fact, to the extent you believe it is, you’re falling into the trap he’s trying to set for you. He wants you to feel guilty because then maybe you’ll do what he wants. Giving in to his effort to manipulate you would be your fault, but this isn’t.”

Alexa blinked, surprised at the vehemence of Haven’s words. She came across as soft-spoken and easygoing, but the younger woman had a fierceness about her that Alexa hadn’t seen before. And that she really admired.

“Okay?” Haven asked.

“Okay,” Alexa said with a nod.

“Can you take care of them?” came a gruff voice from behind Haven. She and Alexa turned to find Slider talking to Cora, two little boys standing close by. Boys who had been much, much smaller the last time Alexa had seen them. “I know I said I didn’t need you today—”

“I’ve got them,” Cora said. “They’ll be fine. But just so you know, Maverick didn’t want anyone else going to the station.”

Slider’s dark eyes flashed. “Well, he isn’t here to stop me.”

Cora nodded. “Then go do whatever you need for however long it takes. Right, guys?”

With their brown hair and hazel eyes, the two boys bore a striking resemblance to their father. “Yeah, Dad,” the older one said, his forehead set in a wrinkle. “You gotta help Dare and Jagger.”

Slider gave Cora a nod and a look, like maybe he wanted to say more, but then he just turned away, gave the boys’ hair a ruffle on the way past, and jogged to the tow truck.

“Ahhh, oh, no, it looks like you two are stuck with a bunch of icky girls today,” Cora said in an exaggerated groan that made the littler boy laugh. “Sam, Ben, this is Maverick’s friend, Alexa.”

The boys said hello, and Alexa found herself glad for the distraction they might offer her and Haven. “You know, I’ve met you guys before. You wouldn’t remember, because you”—Alexa pointed to Ben, who must’ve been six or seven—“were just starting to walk. And you”—she smiled at Sam—“were about his size.”

“Then why haven’t we seen you since?” Ben asked in that way little kids had of asking uncomfortably pointed questions.

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