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Black Widow (Rejects Paradise 4.5)

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I’m just about to tell him exactly what I think of his ‘easy way’ when I feel pressure against the side of my neck, and within seconds, my world fades to black.



Wind whips through the open window of Sebastian’s beat-up car as I race down the highway, desperately trying to distance myself from Bellevue Springs. Every cop in the fucking area is swarming the streets looking for me, but I’m not here to make their job easy. I’m going to make it fucking impossible.

The phone Kairo gave me after we ditched the transport van on the side of the highway screeches through the quiet car, and I glance down at it to find Sebastian’s name across the screen.

A grin pulls at my lips as I hit accept and bring the phone to my ear while rolling up the old window. “Sup, bro?”

“Dude, I don’t give a fuck that you’ve just spent six years locked up. Bring my fucking car back and pick our asses up. We ain’t walking all the way back to Breakers. There’re fucking cops everywhere.”

“Go say hi then,” I taunt, more than desperate to teach those fuckers a lesson after keeping Ocean’s baby girl Storm a secret from me for the past three years. “I’m sure they’re all dying to chat with you. Maybe let them know what you’ve been up to today. I’m sure they’d love to hear all about it.”

“Fuck off, man,” he says with a pissed off grunt, proving that after six and a half years away, my crew still ain’t going to let me get away with shit. “Where are you?”

“Halfway home,” I tell him.

“Kai hasn’t prepped the Widows,” he says with a strange hesitation in his tone. “They don’t know you’re coming home and taking over.”

“Taking over? I’m not fucking taking over,” I say with a scoff. “I'm taking back what’s already mine. Kai was only stepping in, and they fucking know that. I’m the real leader here, don’t forget it. As for the Widows, my face is on every fucking TV screen across the country. If those fuckers haven’t figured out that I’m coming home to raise my fucking army, then they shouldn’t be wearing the Black Widow mark.”

“Good point,” he grumbles, hating being put in his place, proving again that some things will never change, no matter how hard you try. “So,” he continues. “Where are we on the lift home?”

I roll my eyes, a grin pulling at the side of my mouth. “Ocean has a whole fucking garage filled with cars. I’m sure she’ll lend you dickheads one for the day.”

Sebastian scoffs and I hear him relaying my solution to the boys, only to hear two more scoffs. “Really?” Sebastian finally says. “Because three Widows rolling around Bellevue Springs in a fucking Bentley won’t look suspicious at all.”

“Not my problem, man,” I laugh. “But thanks for the ride.”

With that, I end the call, knowing that I’ll be hearing about it when they get back into Breakers Flats, but as I said, it’s not my fucking problem. They’re big boys now. They can take care of themselves, just as they’ve been doing for the last six and a half years. They don’t need me anymore, they learned to adapt, learned to survive without me, but fuck knows I need them more than ever before.

Kairo, Elijah, and Sebastian are my crew. They’ve had my back through thick and thin, even when I was at my worst. They’ve always looked out for me just as I’ve done the same for them, even when I nearly destroyed the one thing that mattered to us all—Oceania Munroe. That’s all in the past now, and I like to think that we’re all in a better place. That was until I found out that she hid her kid from me, but I guess that’s on the boys as well.

Seeing that little girl hit me out of nowhere. I wasn’t expecting it at all, but the more I think about it, the more I start putting the pieces together. There were four months a few years back when Ocean didn’t visit me at all, claiming she had things going on. She’d call instead, so I didn’t think much of it. She could have easily hidden the early stages of her pregnancy under baggy clothes, but there comes a time where a woman just can’t hide it. I guess that’s when she stopped coming to visit. But why though? It doesn’t make sense.

Not wanting to fuck things up for her now, especially since she has a kid and a wedding to organize, I’ll be reserving this discussion for the boys. As much as I adore that girl, now that I’m out, she needs to know that I'm not going to make her life a living hell. Things are going to be different now. I need to steer clear, at least for a little while. Though, that doesn’t mean that I won’t be making someone else’s life a living hell.

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