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Witches Abroad (Discworld 12)

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'For now,' Mrs Gogol added.

There was another pause. No witch ever liked admitting to less than near-absolute power, or even hearing another witch doing so.

'You're biding your time, I expect,' said Granny kindly.

'Wifing your strength,' said Nanny.

'It's powerful protection,' said Mrs Gogol.

Granny sat back in her chair. When she spoke next, it was as a person who has certain ideas in their mind and wants to find out what someone else knows.

'What sort?' she said. 'Exactly?'

Mrs Gogol reached into the cushions of her rocking-chair and, after some rummaging, produced a leather bag and a pipe. She lit the pipe and puffed a cloud of bluish smoke into the morning air.

'You look in mirrors a lot these days, Mistress Weather-wax?' she said.

Granny's chair tipped backwards, almost throwing her off the veranda and into the inky waters. Her hat flew away into the lily pads.

She had time to see it settle gently on the water. It floated for a moment and then -

- was eaten. A very large alligator snapped its jaws shut and gazed smugly at Granny.

It was a relief to have something to shout about.

'My hat! It ate my hat! One of your alleygators ate my hatl It was my hat! Make it give it back!'

She snatched a length of creeper off the nearest tree and flailed at the water.

Nanny Ogg backed away.

'You shouldn't do that, Esme! You shouldn't do that!' she quavered. The alligator backed water.

'I can hit cheeky lizards if I want!'

'Yes, you can, you can,' said Nanny soothingly, 'but not. . . with a ... snake . . .'

Granny held up the creeper for inspection. A medium-sized Three-Banded Coit gave her a frightened look, considered biting her nose for a moment, thought better of it, and then shut its mouth very tightly in the hope she'd get the message. She opened her hand. The snake dropped to the boards and slithered away quickly.

Mrs Gogol hadn't stirred in her chair. Now she half turned. Saturday was still patiently watching his fishing line.

'Saturday, go and fetch the lady's hat,' she said.

'Yes, m'm.'

Even Granny hesitated at that.

'You can't make him do that!' she said.

'But he's dead,' said Mrs Gogol.

'Yes, but it's bad enough being dead without bein' in bits too,' said Granny. 'Don't you go in there, Mr Saturday!'

'But it was your hat, lady,' said Mrs Gogol.

'Yes, but..." said Granny,'. . . a . . . hat was all it was. I wouldn't send anyone into any alligators for any hat.'

Nanny Ogg looked horrified.

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