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Booty Hunter (Harem Station 1)

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And it’s almost a perfect fit, if you ask me. They like unemotional relationships, we are bred to service unemotional men… I mean, what are the chances that two cultures would complement each other like that?

We were always told that Akeelians were oversexed monsters who would rape you without question. Claim you as property and keep you prisoner.

Most of that seemed likely when I first got here. I was stripped naked, put on display, subjected to a humiliating royal test—twice—and then legally handed over to Serpint as some kind of gift.

But… I’m starting to think the myths were more like half-truths. Like perhaps someone back home got wind of this place and started embellishing the story? Or maybe they just wanted to scare us? Make us think that the world outside Cygnus was evil, and dark, and sinister.

But he said, I like you. He said, You’re pretty.

And maybe they don’t make attachments. Maybe I’m making this all up. Maybe they’re just like us. Empty, emotionless shells who only briefly connect for one-off sexual encounters.

But I’ve seen him display a whole range of emotions today. And when he was talking about his ship… well, those were definitely feelings of attachment.

We feel anger. Lots of anger. And arousal, of course. Sometimes we laugh for real and not in a mocking way. So I guess we do amusement. Or at least something like it.

But we don’t like people. Not usually. We don’t have much loyalty in that regard.

We make deals. We respect contracts. We spell out conditions and rules, and that’s what we rely on.

Rules and legalities.

Which is why that ownership contract is such a big deal. I bet they know this. I bet that’s why they make up fake papers like that.

We respect it.

Those of us in the resistance are called defective. We’re called traitors. We’re called abominations.

Because we feel things.

I feel things.

And right now, against my better judgment I’m feeling something for him.

I’m just not sure what it is.

“Fuck it,” I say to no one. I wish the bot was here. I don’t like being alone. I’m not used to it. Back home I was never alone. I grew up with dozens of sisters under the watchful eyes of armed guards. Then I was in the military, under the watchful eyes of my superior officers.

And now… “Alone,” I say. Again, to no one.

I clean up the table and the mess of broken dishes and glassware. Put the food in the recycler. Wash the counters down where Serpint made a mess preparing food.

Preparing me dinner.

And then… something happens to me.

I feel something weird. Something that might be guilt.

What if he never comes back? What if he gets on that ship of his and just leaves me here?

Would I miss him?

I couldn’t possibly miss him.

Could I?

Do I like this man?

I’ve had a few experiences like this one in my life. Moments when you realize things have changed and you wish they hadn’t. Like… you didn’t realize you had something until it was gone and now everything is different, and that thing you had doesn’t look too bad when an uncertain future is staring you in the face. In fact, you maybe miss that thing you thought you didn’t need.

I felt that way when I joined the military. I looked back on my childhood—and even though there wasn’t much to miss, I did miss certain things. My sisters, for one. For several months I wanted them back. I was so sure I made a mistake.

But then one day I was hauled in to speak to the military higher-ups. One day I was made an offer. And that one offer changed everything for me. Suddenly things were possible. Suddenly I had a plan. A way out. And sure, what they told me to do was very dangerous. Hell, I was never meant to live through it. Nyleena either.

But I said yes. One single word changed everything. And it meant that I would not have to marry my father, seven generations removed. And even if that was the only perk of agreeing to their plan, I’d have taken the deal.

So one day. That’s all it took.

One day with Serpint has changed my life too. Turned all my plans completely backwards. All that energy I spent thinking up a scheme to inhibit myself again.

How stupid.

Because I don’t want to pretend to be something I’m not. I just want to be myself.

Sighing, I walk into the bedroom and look at the bed. It’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. Six of my sisters could share this bed with me and we’d never want for space. It’s not like sleeping with him would even be intimate.

Why was I such a bitch?

He wanted to have sex with me again because he felt he could do better. Which is funny, since I came so hard I lit up like a damn sun going supernova.

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