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Booty Hunter (Harem Station 1)

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“What kind of plans?” I ask.

“Can you get off me while we discuss this? Because your ding-a-lings are distracting my flux capacitor.”

Oh, she is too cute. Too fucking cute. I squirm a little on top of her, making sure to maneuver both my giant, hard ding-a-lings right between her legs.

“Stop it, Serpint. I’m serious.” She wriggles her wrists, still in my firm grip, and tries to get away.

“I am too,” I say. “Totally fucking serious.”

She looks me straight in the eyes and says, “I’m telling you no, OK? So do whatever you want with that.”

I groan and roll off of her. Turn my whole body the complete opposite direction and say, “Fine. Whatever. Go to sleep then.”

“Good, I will.”

“And stay on your side,” I growl. “That’s an order.”

She scoots all the way over to the other side of the bed and says, “I will. Watch me.”



Except it’s not good. It’s not good at all. Because both my cocks are still hard and this is not normal. I don’t think I can sleep with both of them hard. It’s very distracting. I always have sex or jerk off twice in a row to take care of this little problem. And even though I didn’t this morning, there were extenuating circumstances to keep my mind off the fact that I didn’t finish.

But now, lying here in bed with her, in the middle of the night with nothing to do but sleep—I don’t think I can do it.

Something has to be done.

So I reach down and start jerking off to take care of my little problem.

“What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like?” I say, picturing the way I fucked her in the doctor’s office.

“You can’t jerk off in bed next to me,” she says. And then she squeaks a little.

“I can, and I will. I can’t sleep with two hard-ons. And why the fuck are you making that noise?”

“What noise?” But she squeaks again.

“That noise.”

“Would you quit jerking off?”

“I’ll be done in like twenty minutes, don’t worry. I’ll make it fast.”

“Twenty minutes?” And her little squeak comes with a moan.

“What is your problem?” I say.

“Nothing. What’s yours?” But then she groans.

“Lyra,” I say. “I can’t get off if you’re constantly distracting me. Stop making those sounds.”

“I can’t—Ohh… Oh…”

I turn and find her knees bunched up to her chest, almost curled up in a ball. “What the hell is going on?”

“Nothing,” she gasps.

“Lyra—” I reach for her, but the moment I touch her she glows a bright, fluorescent pink.

“No, no, no, no… don’t touch me or I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” But then it hits me and I laugh. “You can’t go to sleep without sex either, can you? You’re all fluxed up.”

“Very funny,” she hisses.

I look up at the ceiling, fisting both my cocks in an easy up-and-down motion, and take a moment to enjoy her discomfort. “It’s your own fault. I offered to help you out.”

“I don’t understand what’s happening. I’ve never had this problem before.”

“Just get yourself off, then,” I say. “For fuck’s sake.”

“Not in front of you.”

I just shake my head. “Then go into the bathroom and do it.”

“You go into the bathroom and do it. I’ll stay here.”

“No, this is my bed.”

“Oh, shit… oh, shit!”

“What?” I say, turning over on my side so I can reach for her.

“No, don’t!”

But it’s too late. My fingertips brush against her arm and her whole body spasms.

“What?” she says, gasping for breath. “It didn’t work.”

“What didn’t work?”

“When you touched me I should’ve come! And oh, oh, shit! It’s getting worse!”

“Oh, this is too much. Too fucking perfect.”

“It’s not funny. You have no idea what it feels like when the flux builds up like—oh, my God!”

I sit up and look at her. Maybe even get a little worried. Because she looks like she’s in pain. Her face is all bunched up in a grimace. Like she’s being tortured.

“OK,” I say, hooking a hand around her waist so I can pull her over to me. “That’s it. I’m gonna take care of you, you’re gonna take care of me, and then we’re going to sleep. Tomorrow, I’m sending you back to Crux. I can’t deal with all this weird bullshit.”

She’s breathing hard now. Almost panting. So hard she doesn’t even answer me, just grabs my arm, urging me to get on top of her.

“Fuck me,” she says. Just like she did in the doctor’s office. “Fuck me right now!”

And I mean… she is not joking around. Because she reaches down for both my cocks and just…

Oh, shit. I’m done for.


I am embarrassed, mortified, and humiliated all in the same instant. And the glow I produce with that combination of emotions is the same as it was earlier.

I am the sun. I am a supernova of light.

And still, I do not come.

What the hell is happening to me?

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