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Booty Hunter (Harem Station 1)

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“She is.” The master sighs. The first hint of emotion he’s shown since I’ve been here and it’s… resignation. “We did the test.”

“I don’t believe it,” Serpint protests. Then he looks at me, his violet eyes glowing with mischief, and says, “I think you should do it again. Just to make sure.”

“No,” I say, growling at the master. “No. You did the test. In front of everyone.” I’m gonna lose it. My voice is trembling as I writhe against my bindings. “You don’t need to do it again! You already know I’m a princess.”

But the cyborg master doesn’t agree. And yes, he does have emotions. Because the corners of his mouth lift up in a sly grin. “I think you’re right, Serpint. We should do it again. Just to make sure. We wouldn’t want trash getting past our screening process. That’s not fair to the other girls.” His whip fingers retract until they are just normal fingers again. But now they start vibrating.

“No!” I shout. “Get the fuck away from me!”

“I’m sorry, princess,” Serpint says, grinning now, just like the master. “If you are a princess. But I just don’t think it’s true.” Then his grin falls. His mouth hardens into a straight line as he narrows his eyes at me. “So prove it. Or we’ll toss you down into the lower levels and give you over to a less desirable harem.”

Lyra, why can’t you ever just be good?

Why must you always be such a bad girl?

This is what happens when you don’t shut your mouth and do your job. You get captured by pirates, hauled off to Harem, and bound to a wall. While your sister is still on Bull Station waiting for you to save her.

Good job.

You deserve this humiliation.

I do. I deserve it.

Bots hover around me, recording the test the same way they did last time. If I thought I had a prayer, I’d tell them to just watch the footage.

But this isn’t about proof. They already know what I am.

This is about Serpint’s revenge.

The cyborg master steps close, a little bit to the side to give Serpint, and all the other people in the harem room, a good view. His fingers vibrate like a sex toy.

Because they are a sex toy.

He slips them between my legs.

I fight it. I do. I fight it hard.

I will myself not to feel. I force myself to think about Nyleena. The horror she’s been through. So much, much worse than this.

But I am wet the moment he touches me, the vibrations from his fingers finding my secret spot like he’s got a tracking device on my clit.

I hold my breath. I clench my teeth. I stiffen my whole body.

But that just makes it worse. Makes the vibrator between my legs press against my pussy even harder.

Serpint can tell I’m resisting because he steps closer too. Angling his body against the opposite hip from the cyborg master. Making sure the whole room can get a good, long look at me as he reaches up, squeezes my breast, and begins to kiss my neck, just under my ear.

“Give in,” he says, nipping my earlobe. “You know you want to.”

I lose it.

There is no way to stop this. No way I cannot climax.

I come even faster than the last time and a part of me is horrified when I realize… it’s him. Serpint. He is the one who made my release bubble up to the surface and…


My whole body glows gold.

Because that’s how you know you’ve got yourself a bonafide Cygnian princess.

We glow when we come.


Fun fact about Cygnian princesses.

They are extra-special horny little minxes and they light up like a sun going supernova when they come.

That’s the whole reason Crux keeps a whole flock of sexy swans up here in his private penthouse.

I’ve seen it before. Maybe hundreds of times. It’s hard not to get a glimpse when every time I’m home on the station I have to be up here doing business with Crux.

But this one’s glow is… I mean, I’m not trying to be disparaging, but it’s… dull.

Barely worth watching.

When I glance over my shoulder everyone in the room has lost interest.

A half-breed, maybe? Is that a thing?

I direct my gaze to the cyborg master, who has withdrawn his vibrating fingers from between her legs, and find him cocking one eyebrow at her. Probably thinking the same thing. Probably calculating how much Crux paid for her, adding in the fact that she’s unruly and belligerent, and deciding they should probably just send her down to the lower levels and cut their losses.

I let her finish moaning and writhing in her bindings. The best Cygnian princesses can go on for several minutes. Hell, I’ve seen one who took a full hour to finally calm down. But this one only lasts about thirty seconds.

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