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Big Dicker (Harem Station 3)

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The flash is so bright I have to close my eyes. And in this same moment, he grips me tight around the shoulders, holding me prisoner in my pleasure, and he comes too.

My orgasm goes on, and on, and on. I glow a boiling pink at first. Then, after more than a minute, the contractions inside me begin to subside, and just when I think it’s over it starts again. And again. And again.

He rolls over, taking me with him. His hand jerks one leg out and up to give himself access. And it’s only then that I remember—Akeelian males have to come twice.

He gives his second cock its due, slipping the first one out and shoving the second one in, and then he fucks me.

He fucks me hard.

It’s nothing like the last time and I love it both ways.

My orgasm continues through this whole second session. Ebbing, and flowing. Contracting and relaxing. Until I can’t take it anymore and I need to explode again.

And so does he.

So we do.

His first cock spews his seed onto my stomach in hot bursting waves and at the same time, the one inside me spasms as I grip the walls of my pussy around it.

So we do.


I wake sometime during the night, unable to remember where I’m at or who I’m with until I reach out and find Delphi snuggled up against my chest. There are no lights on in the bedroom, but I don’t need lights. Her sweet scent brings last night rushing back to me.

My arms wrap tightly around her and my eyes close.

“I’m awake,” she whispers. “It’s morning. I checked.”

I smile a little because she sounds disappointed. “What time?” I ask, my voice rough and husky.

“Five AM Minion.”

I start thinking about all the things that happened yesterday and all the things that need to get done today, trying to wrangle all the tasks into some kind of coherent order.

“I need to talk to you about something,” Delphi says.

“Oh, hey. If you’re not working here, where are you headed today?”

“That’s what I want to talk to you about.” She pulls the covers up to her breasts and turns over a little. “Hi,” she says, smiling.


“OK, so don’t hate me. Promise?”

I couldn’t hate her if I tried. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and say, “We’re on the same team.”

“You say that now—”

“Because I mean it. I think last night proves that… you know.” I do one of those back-and-forth finger points at us. “We’ve got something here.”

She squints her eyes.

“Don’t you feel it?” I ask.

“I do. I do. But… see, this is what I need to talk to you about.”

“It’s just that DNA signature scrambler I have, Delphi. That’s why it’s not so strong.”

“OK,” she says. “But…”

“And,” I add, “we weren’t really paying attention to the signals yesterday, right? We were all preoccupied with other things. But today.” I nod. “Today we’re gonna give that a shot.”

“Give what a shot? Exactly?”

“You know. Soulmates.” I smile at her.

She nods and smiles back, then takes a deep breath and says, “But listen to me for a minute, Jimmy. I’m not here alone.”

“Ohhh,” I say. “Um… and I can assume you’re not referring to your tiny bot. Where is that thing, anyway?”

“No, not her. And I don’t know. She’s around. I hope.”

“So who are you with?”

“A ship,” she says. “A mean, old, nasty ship called Queenie. And she’s the one who’s playing poker with your ship. It was a trick to lure you over to my ship so we could kidnap you and take you back to the Loathsome One where she will do… unspeakable things to you.”


“OK? It’s not OK, Jimmy. I had to turn my wristband off because she started pinging me like crazy last night. I didn’t sleep at all. I mean, bad things are going to start happening and I’m not sure I can stop this. So we need to come up with a plan. A very good plan. Like… a really terrific plan. And then… I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do because I can’t go through with this now. But my brother, ya know? How do I save my brother and keep you alive at the same time?”

She says all that in one breath, so when she stops she sucks in air, holds it, and then lets it out in a rush.

“Wow,” I say. “You didn’t sleep at all?”

“That’s what you heard?”

“I’m just… concerned. You’re so stressed, Delphi.”

“Yes!” She scoffs. “I’m stressed! I’m supposed to be luring you to your awful fate and my brother is probably a sex slave by now, and you know what?”


“Where is that damn dragonbee bot?” She looks around wildly. “Flicka?”

“OK,” I say again. “You’re very wound up. I think we just need to take a breath and order up some breakfast. Or you know what? Better idea. We should go out for breakfast.”

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