The Shepherd's Crown (Discworld 41)
Bogle: see Schemie
Boggin: to be desperate, as in ‘I’m boggin for a cup of tea’
Brose: porridge with a drop of strong drink added – or more than a drop. Be warned: it will put hairs on your chest
Bunty: a weak person
Carlin: old woman
Cludgie: the privy
Corbies: big, black burdies known by most people as crows
Crivens!: a general exclamation that can mean anything from ‘My goodness!’ to ‘I’ve just lost my temper and there is going to be trouble’
Dree your/my/his/her weird: facing the fate that is in store for you/me/him/her
Een: eyes
Eldritch: weird, strange; sometimes means oblong too, for some reason
Fash: worry, upset
Geas: a very important obligation, backed up by tradition and magic. Not a bird
Gonnagle: the bard of the clan, skilled in music and stories
Hag: a witch, of any age
Hag o’ hags: a very important witch
Hagging/Haggling: anything a witch does
Hiddlins: secrets
Kelda: the female head of the clan, and eventually the mother of most of it. Feegle babies are very small, and a kelda will have hundreds in her lifetime
Lang syne: long ago
Last World: the Feegles believe that they are dead. This world is so filled with all they like, they argue, that they must have been really good in a past life and then died and ended up here. Appearing to die here means merely going back to the Last World, which they believe is rather dull
Mowpie: furry animals with white tufts as tails, making them easy to spot. Sometimes called rabbits. Good to eat, especially with a dab of snail relish on the side
Mudlin: useless person
Pished: I am assured that this means ‘tired’
Schemie: an unpleasant person
Scuggan: a really unpleasant person
Scunner: a generally unpleasant person
Ships: woolly things that eat grass and go baa. Easily confused with the other kind
Spavie: see Mudlin
Special Sheep Liniment: probably moonshine whisky, I am very sorry to say. A favourite of the Feegles. Do not try to make this at home