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Beautiful Failure

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I grip my hands around the steering wheel, telling myself to keep my mouth shut and speed away to deal with the consequences later, but I know I’m screwed either way.

Fuck it...

“I’m not driving to the hotel, Officer,” I say through clenched teeth, “and I would never fuck a disgusting dick-less asshole like you.”

He narrows his eyes at me, nodding, and then he smiles. Lifting the radio from his belt clip, he speaks, “Officer requesting backup for a suspect resisting arrest a few feet north of highway marker thirty one. Suspect is hostile and believed to be...armed.”

“On my way.” “Copy.” “Sending two your way.” The voices fire back in seconds.

“Get out of the car,” he says flatly.

I sigh and unbuckle my seatbelt. Avoiding his gaze, I unlock my door and step out.

Before I can shut it back, he grabs me by my waist and pushes me against the car—knocking the wind out of me.

“This could’ve been so easy...” He wedges a knee between my legs. “You strip for money but you’re too good to fuck for some?”

He forcefully yanks my hands behind my back and secures the handcuffs around my wrists.

I try to ignore the fact that he squeezes my ass as he leads me towards the backseat of his car, as he tells me how much I’m going to regret not accepting his offer.

I shut my eyes as he locks me inside, as other sirens begin to wail in the distance.

I already know that this is the end of me having a license. The judge is going to suspend it first thing tomorrow morning and I’ll need to be bailed out of jail. Again.

It’s not my fault this time, but I honestly wish it was...

Chapter 9

I thank Sarah a million times on the way from the county jail to my grandparents’ house. My wrists are still aching from how tight the cuffs were clamped last night, and I know the ugly red imprint will be there for a few days.

“I’ll pay you back tomorrow. I swear.” I look out the window.

“Don’t worry about it. You can ride to work with me on the alternate weekends, but I still have to work at Starbucks during the week. Routine, you know?” She sighs. “I don’t want to mess it up.”

I nod, knowing that the real reason she’s still working there is because it keeps her mind off her mother’s death, but I don’t mention it.

“Is your license really suspended?” She quickly changes the subject.

“Sixty days.”

“And your car?”

“Property of the state for now, and I’ll have to pay to get it back.”

“How much?”

“You don’t want to know.”

She pulls her car into the driveway. “Are you going to take a few days off? You know, to think about things and chill out for a while? Since it’s morning, you could call Michael and leave a message. Tell him you need time to figure out a new way to get there every day.”

“Already did. I’m going to catch the bus.”

“What? It takes three buses.”

“What other choice do I have? Walk there? I owe even more money now. I can’t afford to take a day off.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “If you hurry up and get dressed, I can drive you to the bus depot. That way you’ll only have to catch two today.”

I blink. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why have you been being so fucking nice to me? What’s your ulterior motive?” I’ve had my suspicions for a while now, but she needs to let me know. I can’t take this anymore. “Whatever the fuck it is, just tell me. Right now.”

“Could you stop it, Emerald? Why do you think I would bail you out of jail and offer you a ride to the bus stop? Because I want to get something out of you later? Because I have an ulterior motive and secretly want to destroy you somehow?”

“Don’t you? Aren’t you waiting for the perfect opportunity?”

“Jesus...” She rolls her eyes. “I’m trying to be your friend. Haven’t you ever had one of those before?”

“Not really.”

“Hurry up and get dressed, Emerald.” She yawns. “Someone called me at seven o’clock this morning and asked me to bail her crazy ass out of jail so I’m kind of tired. Oh, and bring me one of Virginia’s biscuits from the other night. You said there were some left yesterday.”

I say thanks one more time and rush inside, tiptoeing up the steps so Virginia and Henry won’t wake up. I take a three minute shower and slip into a pair of fresh jeans and a checkered black and white shirt—stuffing a new set of shimmering pink lingerie into my purse.

I grab my iPod and my e-reader, and once I notice how gray the skies are, I grab a jacket and an umbrella and rush outside to find Sarah sleeping behind the wheel.

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