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Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1)

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A freak winter storm had dumped several inches of white powder snow on the ranch. The cows were dropping their calves, and the newborns were in danger of freezing to death. All able-bodied men were working long hours to round up the cattle and rescue the calves.

Reese hadn’t seen Faith during that time. He’d bunked with the hands in a shack on the range. This was his first morning home. He sank into a chair and gratefully wrapped his hands around a cup of Sarah’s strong, hot coffee. Most of the herd was safely bedded down inside the holding pens.

“How’s Faith?” Reese asked Mary as soon as he pulled his wool scarf from around his face.

“Lonely. Bored. Missing you,” Mary replied bluntly.

Reese was silent.

“Well?” Mary asked.

“What?” He stared at his cousin.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” she demanded.

“Has Kevin been in to see her?”

Mary heaved a dramatic sigh. “Not yet, but I expect him this afternoon.”

“Doesn’t he have any other patients?” It bothered Reese to know the handsome Irishman was spending so much time on the Trail T. He’d asked Kevin to check on her. He hadn’t asked him to move in.

“Faith invited him for supper tonight,” Mary told him.

“She what?” Reese slammed his coffee cup against the saucer. Drops of hot coffee splashed the back of his hand.

“Faith invited Dr. Kevin for supper. It’s her birthday, you know,” Sarah replied in Cherokee, setting a plate in front of Reese.

“Yes, I know it’s her birthday.” Reese muttered an obscenity beneath his breath. “I telegraphed David several days ago. Has he sent a reply?”

“On your desk,” Mary told him. “It came yesterday.”

Reese shot up from his chair and hurried into his study. He ripped open the telegram and scanned the contents. David was brief. He and Tempy were arriving in Cheyenne on the 4:15 train. Reese walked back to the kitchen and finished his breakfast. “I’m going to try to grab some shuteye,” he told Sarah. “Will you wake me in a couple of hours?”

Sarah nodded, then went about her business.

Reese rose and started back to his study.

“Aren’t you going up to see Faith?” Mary asked the question everyone in the kitchen was dying to ask.

“I’ll see her at supper,” Reese replied, then strode into his private retreat and slammed the door.

* * *

Four hours later, freshly bathed, shaved, dressed in a clean suit and overcoat, Reese climbed into the surrey. Joy, bundled into her heavy coat and mittens, sat next to him. The temperature had risen above freezing, but the hard-packed, dirt roads were still solid. Reese prayed the train carrying David and Tempy would arrive before the ground began to thaw, and the roads turned to mush.

He hadn’t planned on Joy’s company, but decided to bring her along when she threatened to tell Faith. He had forgotten what a tyrant Joy could be when she wanted something. She was in the barn feeding lumps of sugar to her pony when Reese ordered the team hitched to the surrey. He was going somewhere and Joy was determined to go with him.

Reese made a tactical error when he attempted to dissuade her by explaining why he was going to town. Joy seized the opportunity. When the promise of a licorice whip failed to buy her silence, Reese was forced to bring her along. He’d been outmaneuvered by a six year old expert.

Joy was immune to Reese’s bad mood. She climbed over his thigh, then settled herself on the wedge of seat between his legs. Placing her red-mittened hands over his gloved ones, Joy proceeded to guide the vehicle into town.

* * *

The train pulled into the station right on schedule. Tempy could hardly wait to alight from the railroad car. She danced on her tiptoes, searching for Reese. David Alexander chuckled in amusement.

“Conduct unbecoming a grown woman?” Tempy asked, hearing the rumble in David’s chest and sneaking a glance at his amused expression.

“Not at all.” David shook his head, trying to appear serious despite his obvious laughter. “I think it’s entirely appropriate for an aunt who dearly loves her nieces.” He had visited Richmond over the past few months and come to know the ladies of the sewing circle fairly well. He knew Temperance Hamilton best of all; especially after spending four days traveling alone with her.

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