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Golden Chances (Jordan-Alexander Family 1)

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Temperance blushed, but smiled happily at her husband’s teasing. “Good-night, Faith, and say goodbye to the others for us. Oh, and good luck.” She took Kevin’s arm and let him lead her to the buggy. He lifted her into the seat and climbed in beside her. Kevin flicked the reins and the buggy began to roll down the driveway. Temperance blew kisses at Faith until Faith walked back into the house.

“What was that all about?” Kevin wanted to know.

“What?” Temperance was all innocence.

“Why would Faith need good luck tonight?” he asked.

“She’s planning to seduce Reese tonight.”

“She’s what?” Kevin yanked the horses to a halt.

Temperance studied her husband’s features in the waning light. “He hasn’t touched her since you warned him not to.”

“Mary, Mother of God, that was months ago!” He couldn’t believe his ears.

“Exactly.” Temperance nodded to emphasize her words.

“Well, no wonder the boy’s been stalking around like a wounded bear. I told him it was fine when I let her up for our wedding.”

“He obviously didn’t believe you.”

“Of all the… That baby is fine. So is the mother. And they call the Irish hardheaded.” Kevin urged the horses back into a walk.

“Which is why I told Faith she had to make the first move,” Temperance said. “She’s planning to do it tonight. That’s why…”

“We couldn’t stay for supper.” Kevin shook his head. A tiny chuckle escaped his lips, then turned into a full-fledged laugh. “You two planned his seduction this afternoon? I don’t believe it!”

“Believe it.” Temperance leaned over and kissed her husband on his handsome mouth.

“What else did you plan today?” Kevin whispered, when Temperance released him. “Did my name come up?” he asked hopefully.

“As a matter of fact,” Temperance began. “It did. We were trying to decide how I should break the news to you.”

“News about Faith and Reese?” He sounded so disappointed Temperance almost burst out laughing.

“No, about you and me.”

“What about us?”

“I suspect we’re going to have a baby.”

Temperance almost fell out of her seat as Kevin sawed back on the reins. The buggy jolted to a stop. He sat perfectly still for several moments before speaking. “Are you certain?”

“Pretty sure.” She smiled mischievously. “But I can’t be absolutely certain until the doctor takes a look at me.”

“The doctor is looking at you,” Kevin said softly.

“And what does he have to say?” Temperance was serious. Kevin’s acceptance was vitally important.

“He’s overwhelmed. I never…” A lump formed in Kevin’s throat; tears shimmered in his eyes. He could barely grasp the miracle. “I’m going to be a father. We’re going to have a baby!” He felt like shouting, like laughing and crying and dancing! He understood, for the first time, how his patients felt when he gave them the news. “Oh, Temperance.” He leaned over and kissed her gently, reverently. “This is something to celebrate. How do you feel? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” She laughed. “I feel wonderful.”

“A father…” Kevin sighed, immensely pleased with himself and with Temperance. Until a sudden thought crossed his mind. “I’m forty-eight. Do you think I’m too old to be having a baby? For the first time?”

Temperance smiled at him, softly, gently. “That’s something else I want to talk to you about. There’s something I need to tell you. Something you need to know…” She began to speak, her voice filling the interior of the carriage, then spilling out into the night as the buggy carried them home.

When Temperance had finished, she sat in the buggy waiting silently for Kevin to say something.

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