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Barely a Bride (Free Fellows League 1)

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“What happens if you don’t return?” Tressingham asked. “Would the agreement become null and void should you be killed in the war and my daughter made a widow?”

Griff frowned. One would think that Tressingham might finally come to consider his daughter’s needs above his own. But as that didn’t appear to be the case, Griff intended to finalize the deal. Once the marriage contract was drawn up, Griff would ensure that his father agreed to abide by and enforce the terms and to protect his viscountess and their child. If Griff failed to return from the Peninsula, the future Lady Abernathy would lack for nothing whether she chose to remarry or not. Weymouth could be counted on to honor all of Griff’s wishes and to leave nothing to chance.

Tressingham shrugged his shoulders. “Men are killed in battle and daughters made widows every day. Have I your word as a gentleman that your father would honor our agreement?”

“You have my word as a gentleman that my father would honor any and all agreements between us—so long as you honor yours. You should also understand that if I should be fortunate to have one, my heir would inherit my title and all my possessions—except Apollo. You could keep him with my blessings and thanks,” Griff affirmed.

“Done,” Tressingham said, beaming at Griffin. “I’ll send for my solicitor this afternoon.”

Griff nodded. “I’ll send word to the newspapers. Notice of my betrothal to your daughter and our impending wedding will appear in the morning editions.”

“Agreed.” Lord Tressingham offered Griff his hand. “Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you, sir. I’m pleased that we could come to an understanding.” Griff shook his future father-in-law’s hand, then took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. “I’ve a meeting with my father at his club in half an hour, but I’ll return with my solicitor and the preliminary contracts later this afternoon.”

“Haven’t you any interest in the size of my gel’s dowry?”

“I’m sure it’s quite handsome.” Griff actually hadn’t given her dowry a moment’s thought.

“It is indeed,” Tressingham replied proudly.

“I would not have thought otherwise,” Griff pronounced, “from a gentleman of your stature and breeding. Now, if I might trouble you for one of Lady Alyssa’s gloves.”

“One of her gloves? Whatever for? A keepsake?”

“A measure. I’ll be paying a brief call on my jeweler, and I want to be certain the ring is properly sized.”

“Of course.” Tressingham rang for the butler, relaying his instructions as soon as the man entered the study. “Needham, please ask Lady Alyssa’

s personal maid for a pair of Lady Alyssa’s gloves.”

“Gloves, sir?” Needham frowned. Lady Alyssa was notorious for ruining her gloves.

“Yes, gloves,” Tressingham confirmed. “A new pair, and have them brought to my study as soon as possible.”

“Very good, sir.”

“And bring a bottle of my best French brandy.” He turned to Griff. “You will join me this time in a toast to your future and to your good fortune?”

Griff smiled. “Of course.”

“Good,” Tressingham said, waving his hand and shooing Needham out of the study. “Go on, man. Lord Abernathy doesn’t have all day.”

“Right away, sir.”

Tressingham closed the door behind the butler before turning to face his future son-in-law. “If you’ve no objection, I’d like to take a close look at your stallion in the next day or so. If you’re joining your regiment soon, you’ll want to see that he’s properly settled into my establishment before you leave.”

“I’ve no objection.” Griff smiled. “I rode him across the park. He’s in your stable even as we speak.”

“Excellent.” Tressingham rubbed his palms together in anticipation. “I’ll walk you out when he’s brought around and take a good gander at him then. Unless you’ve time for a ramble along the Row as another way of sealing our agreement…”

“I believe that can be arranged,” Griff said. “I’ll send a note around to my father’s club informing him of my delay.”

Tressingham walked over to his desk, pulled out a sheet of stationery and a pen, and handed them to Griff.

Griff wrote a brief note to his father, sanded and sealed it, and handed it to Tressingham. “I intend to call upon Lady Alyssa once the contracts are in order and we’ve concluded our business. Has she any social engagements this evening?”

Tressingham took the note to give to Needham upon his return. “I believe Lady Tressingham mentioned that she and Alyssa are scheduled to attend Lady Harralson’s ball and midnight supper this evening.”

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